The Fiji Times

Solution Tomorrow Yesterday’s Solution


YOUR VISION IS A LIST OF WORDS using the following rules * Each word must be four letters or more * Each letter may be used only once for each word. *Each word must contain the centre ‘Focus’ letter. *A minimum of one nine letter word must be found. *No ‘Dagger’ or swear words (ref: Macquarie Dictionary) * No plurals ending in ‘s’*No verb forms ending in ‘s’ *No words with an initial capital letter and no hyphenated words.


3 Calculate 9 Musical

compositio­n 10 Prayer ending 11 Sailor

12 Lifting

16 Strike out 17 Mexican ridingblan­ket

20 State as true 21 Auctions 23 Assail 26 Preferable 29 Family members 31 Staggered 33 Rambling

discourse 34 Dealer

36 Top of the head 37 Lofty structures 38 Rudimentar­y



1 Enquired

2 Divine messengers 3 Situated in the east: 4 Mountain lakes 5 Likenesses 6 Encountere­d 7 Living being

8 Birds of prey 13 Very heavy 14 Ship

15 Consumed

W18 Roof timber 19 Seabird 22 Recluses 23 Commotion 24 Scratch 25 Smooth and

LUHcylindr­ical 27 Beverage

28 Ran away to wed 30 Sea nymph 32 Thick

35 Horse’s mother

Fire Sign Trine of Arrival: With an accurate map you can head to the goal with steadfast assurance that you will get there eventually. Without a map, no such assurances can be had, so everyplace shimmers with potential. The fire sign trine suggests you try and experience wherever you are with the vividness of one who has already arrived. This destinatio­n is THE destinatio­n.


(December 22 to January 19)

Movement is defined by stillness. Matter is defined by the space around it. Music is shaped by the silence. And today you will be experience­d by others for what you don’t do. Your restraint is in itself an astounding act.


(January 20 to February 18)

Who you are in the group is different from who you are alone, which is the way of humans. Make efforts to be around likable people. A group will change you and you will change a group, and it will all happen simultaneo­usly.


(February 19 to March 20)

You’re not content with the informatio­n on the surface. You sense there’s something more to know and you’ll dig for it. People like helping you because you bring energy to interactio­ns, which keeps things interestin­g.


(March 21 to April 19)

You’re not expecting anyone to take care of you or behave differentl­y because you’re there. Even so, your presence changes things. Your influence is powerful even if you don’t do anything other than just show up.


(April 20 to May 20)

If you have to be brave, generous or heroic you will be. But big calls to action rarely happen. Opportunit­ies are more often small and invisible to anyone who’s not looking for them. You’ll do common things with uncommon grace.


(May 21 to June 21)

You’re good on your own, but you’re way better when you involve others. Test your ideas out on your core group of trusted cohorts. If you don’t have such a group, don’t worry -- you’ll make many new friends in the weeks to come.


(June 22 to July 22)

You’ll put yourself out there and learn who doesn’t agree. This is good informatio­n. From the ancients: “He who has a thousand friends has not a friend to spare. And he who has one enemy will meet him everywhere.” -- Ali ibn-Abi-Talib


(July 23 to August 22)

People influence your experience with their attitudes and behaviors. You could be in the same place with different people, and it wouldn’t be the same at all. In a sense, your environmen­t will be as lovely as the people who populate it.


(August 23 to September 22)

Vanity serves a positive purpose. It keeps you doing the things you tell yourself you’ll do. So, if vanity has you in its clutches, at least you can count on your pride to energize you to do the work to fulfill your own wishes.


(September 23 to October 23)

Very occasional­ly, life rolls over and lets you control it. It will happen again, but not for a while. Right now, life is taking off like a shot. It’s all you can do to hold onto the mane and try to sync with the gallop.


(October 24 to November 21)

Among the best gifts you could hope for is the gift of a single purpose. When you devote yourself to one idea, everything else lines up. You want something, you’ll work hard for it and you will have it.


(November 22 to December 21)

A well-timed silence will be magic. If you can accompany it with heartfelt emotion and your expressive face, you’ll deliver a more complex communicat­ion than words could relay.

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