The Fiji Times

Sales sustain family


ALUMITA Kolinisau depends on the income earned from selling crops at the Lami Municipal Market since her husband died in 2018.

At 72 years old, she also took her brother’s children under her care when they were born.

Two of them are married, and one stays with her in Veisari.

“Before my husband died, we already had a market business. We don’t own a farm but would always buy our market supplies every morning.

“My life is dependent on the market. When we have a family function or a church obligation, everything is bought from my market,” Ms Kolinisau said.

She leaves home at 4.30am to be at the Lami market and returns home at 7pm.

“Whenever I go through challenges, I pray because I serve a living God who helps us during difficult times.

“We just have to put our trust in Him.

“The market business is all about hard work and perseveran­ce. Everything we do is all about our sacrifices and perseveran­ce. In all the work that we do, whether it is big or small, we have to persevere.”

Ms Kolinisau sells vegetables in the market because it keeps her active.

“Most of my customers are returnees.

“When we sell with a good heart, we can serve our customers well, and they know this,” she said.

She urged women to make good use of their talent and skills.

“There are many ways in which we, women, can work to earn money, such as cooking, washing, sewing, and weaving.

“We can help our husbands with these small types of work that we do.

“And don’t boast about having more money, but thank God for blessing our lives.”

Ms Kolinisau said women needed to work together with their husbands to instil good behaviour in children.

“If our children are weak, it’s because of us — parents.

“We should look at ourselves first because they see the actions of their parents.

“We should teach them the right path so they would not leave our side and love them no matter what.”

 ?? Picture: ELENA VUCUKULA ?? Alumita Kolinisau says she depends on the income earned from selling crops at the Lami Municipal Market.
Picture: ELENA VUCUKULA Alumita Kolinisau says she depends on the income earned from selling crops at the Lami Municipal Market.
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