The Fiji Times

True words of wisdom


HOW remarkable indeed. Fiji, today, is truly blessed to have someone like Jioji Kotobalavu.

He served exemplaril­y as permanent secretary under no less than three prime ministers. His wisdom, counsel, wealth of knowledge is almost encycloped­ic.

Fiji is most fortunate to hear his words of caution as this “air of political uncertaint­y” encircles us all. Listen to him. Take note. Exercise all due care now. Thank you Mr Kotobalavu for your wise counsel.

Our elected leaders must tread extremely cautiously at this time in our political history.

Cheap thrills in the quest for short term “power, fame and fortune” will only lead to certain political oblivion.

By no means, Fiji is on “firm safe ground” just yet. Some political pundits put us into a $10billion debt burden and shaky financial status.

This will take time to fix. Our Coalition Government is being sorely tested today. They have a real tough job in the ensuing years.

We must trust Prime Minister Rabuka’s leadership. He is a seasoned politician. He is ably assisted by three good DPMs. There are solutions available for most problems.

Compromise­s are necessary. Forgivenes­s and respect are earned — never given.

The youthful exuberance that brought us into this “sad stalemate” was extremely needless in the eyes of many women and men who care for a better Fiji.

Let us all be civil, right-minded, careful in all our thoughts, words and deeds. Our irresponsi­ble actions can lead us down destructiv­e paths.

Our educated children and grandchild­ren are listening intently. They will be our future leaders. Lead them down safer pathways to success, national peace, happiness, prosperity, good health and fortune.

Fiji deserves nothing less. Please courageous­ly steer away from any disunity. Our Coalition cannot survive on tender hooks. Fiji needs to pray for peaceful political solutions now. There is no other option, for our Noble Banner Blue.


Martintar, Nadi

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