The Fiji Times

The absurdity of political correctnes­s


WE are living at a time where political correctnes­s (PC) has turned things upside down so that many people have been forced to accept things in a certain way as the new normal.

Gone are the days when what you saw is what you said because that was the truth. When something was black, we called it black because that’s the colour we saw. We did the same for red, blue and white.

But because PC has gone bonkers and just because someone may consider something offensive, we cannot say that anymore.

And, being the spineless wimps that we are, we have succumbed to the tyranny of PC. So while the object is black, we would just say it’s grey, dark or something. Anything but the truth.

So what is this ridiculous concept called PC anyway? It is avoiding language and actions that insult, exclude or harm people who may already be experienci­ng (perceived or real) disadvanta­ge and discrimina­tion. But it has been taken to a ridiculous extreme.

Maybe some of us are getting old. Maybe we need to change with the times. But then maybe we don’t.

Maybe there are some values worth holding onto like honesty and telling the truth — and standing our ground against stupidity.

The definition of PC I really like — it is a term used for whiney overly sensitive pansies (is that too American?) who need everything sugar coated for them.

I spent almost half of my life in the US and PC there has become so absurd it boggles the mind

Here are some totally inane examples of PC that will make you shake your head in disbelief and prove the stark and distressin­g reality of what Einstein said, ‘Only the universe and human stupidity are infinite and I am not sure about the universe.’

A college diversity-training course taught that it was culturally insensitiv­e to expect people to be on time.

A Clemson University (in the US, where else?) training course taught its attendees that it is offensive to expect people to be on time, because ‘time may be considered fluid’ in other cultures. Maybe they should call it Fiji Time.

College students decided against bringing a camel to school for a ‘Hump Day’ event, due to concerns about racism. Students at the University of St. Thomas in Minnesota were worried that the presence of a camel might offend Middle Eastern students.

Journalism lecturers at Leeds Trinity University were instructed to avoid using all caps when communicat­ing with students, because it might make them too afraid to do the assignment.

Oxford University law students (OMG, England too?) were told that they didn’t have to learn about rape or violence law if they found it too triggering.

Undergradu­ate law students were reportedly allowed to leave during any lessons about such material if they felt uncomforta­ble.

Evergreen State University told professors to take student protesters’ feelings into account when grading them. Apparently, their ‘emotional commitment’ to protesting should be taken into account when evaluating their academic work.

(Apparently, grading classwork based on, you know, classwork would be too insensitiv­e). And the stupidity continues…

Someone said the two pillars of PC are willful ignorance and a steadfast refusal to face the truth. PC is destroying the very fabric of society.

Never before have people been so afraid to stand up against absurdity for the fear of being a called a homophobe, a racist or a bigot.

Even a progressiv­e organisati­on like Toastmaste­rs has submitted to this idiocy. I once participat­ed in a speech contest and the Chief Judge told me that even though my speech would have won hands down, I was penalised because I made a derogatory religious reference.

Being taught to avoid talking about religion has led to a lack of understand­ing of it — something most of us are so deeply entrenched in. What we should be taught is how to have a civil conversati­on about a difficult topic.

I feel that if we did not have religion, everyone will live together peacefully. My wife thinks we need religion or else people will not have a moral code of conduct. If you need religion in order to be a good person, you’re intrinsica­lly not a good person. You don’t need religion to have morals. But I digress.

PC causes people to needlessly worry about offending those around them. Once we are afraid to speak out, we are afraid to think. Consequent­ly, control of the public is achieved. And like sheep, we submit to this most inane societal norm.

My distaste for PC started when I was in high school and came across Uriah Heep, the villain in Charles Dickens’s novel David Copperfiel­d. This slimy creep has since become a byword for a falsely humble hypocrite (like the PC advocates) who make your skin crawl.

PC reminds me of this joke — John was asked to watch Bob’s family home while the family was on vacation, included was the dog, the cat and Bob’s Grandma.

After the first week, Bob called and asked how things were going. John replied ‘Everything is okay, except the cat died.’

Bob says ‘Couldn’t you be more diplomatic?’ John asks ‘What do you mean?’ Bob replies ‘Well, if I ask how the cat is, say the cat’s on the roof’ then the next time, you could tell me it died’

The next week, Bob calls, John answers and after a short discussion, Bob asks how his Grandma is doing. John replies ‘She’s on the roof.’

George Carlin was a favorite comedian of mine. He had no tolerance for hypocrisy. He said, ‘Political correctnes­s is America’s newest form of intoleranc­e, and it is especially pernicious because it comes disguised as tolerance.

It presents itself as fairness, yet attempts to restrict and control people’s language with strict codes and rigid rules. I’m not sure that’s the way to fight discrimina­tion. I’m not sure silencing people or forcing them to alter their speech is the best method for solving problems that go much deeper than speech.’

Is there a cure? Yes, it is to speak your mind! Or we are doomed to the political correctnes­s police somewhat akin to thought police George Orwell’s nightmaris­h classic, Nineteen Eighty-four. Maybe not so ominous but quite ridiculous.

 ?? Picture: BBC ?? Oxford University law students (OMG, England too?) were told that they didn’t have to learn about rape or violence law if they found it too triggering
Picture: BBC Oxford University law students (OMG, England too?) were told that they didn’t have to learn about rape or violence law if they found it too triggering
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