The Fiji Times

A reminder


THE Messiah was crucified and died on Good Friday and before sunset, when the weekly Sabbath begins, some of His followers sought His dead body and He was laid in a rich man’s tomb, fulfilling prophecy.

After the Creator spoke the world into existence, He took time to create man in His image and breathed life into his nostrils and Adam became a living being.

Eve was created after God took a rib from Adam and the Creator performed the first marriage between a man and a woman and they became one flesh and were allowed to multiply and fill the world. This was the end of the Sixth day of creation and the Creator set aside another day, the Seventh where He spent the full day with the newlyweds, looking back and enjoying His creation.

The weekly cycle has never changed from creation week until today, even after mankind sinned, lost their eternal life, and were cast out of the Garden of Eden.

When He spoke and gave the Ten Commandmen­ts to Moses at Mt Sinai, He engraved the word “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy” as it is His holy day.

Over 2000 years ago when Christ walked on this Earth, He too kept the Sabbath and showed His own chosen people its true meaning declaring that “He is the Lord of the Sabbath”.

After redeeming mankind as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world on Good Friday, He rested in the grave according to His commandmen­ts on Saturday before being resurrecte­d after the Sabbath.

John 3:16 becomes clear when we understand the love and grace of our Heavenly Father and know His plan of salvation to redeem mankind so that His original plan of creation is fulfilled.

God rested on the Sabbath after creating mankind, He rested in the grave on the Sabbath after redeeming mankind and all who are in Christ look forward to the Biblical prophecy of resting in Heaven for 1000 years when Christ comes to resurrect His people to enjoy eternal life with Heaven.

Have a blessed Sabbath.


Tacirua, Nasinu

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