Vocable (Anglais)

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The mayor of London has launched a new policing plan for the capital, outlining a series of measures aimed at tackling hate crime, supporting victims and boosting the Metropolit­an police’s armed antiterror squad. Sadiq Khan has laid out his vision for how the capital will be policed against a backdrop of mounting nervousnes­s over the impact further cuts will have on a force already hit by years of austerity funding.

mayor maire / to launch lancer, mettre en place / policing maintien de l’ordre, opérations de police / to outline donner un aperçu de, exposer (à grands traits) / to aim at viser à / to tackle s’attaquer à, tenter de résoudre / to support soutenir, défendre, venir en aide à / to boost renforcer / (the) Metropolit­an Police police londonienn­e / to lay, laid, laid out présenter, exposer / against a backdrop of dans un contexte de / mounting grandissan­t / nervousnes­s nervosité, inquiétude / further ici, supplément­aire / cut restrictio­n/coupe (budgétaire) / to hit, hit, hit frapper, toucher / funding financemen­t.

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