Vocable (Anglais)

From Twitter to the big screen


Rihanna and Lupita Nyong’o are set to star in a buddy movie for director Ava DuVernay after a tweet of the two went viral. A picture of the singer and the actress together at a fashion show in 2014 was used as part of a joke movie pitch on Twitter in April. “Rihanna looks like she scams rich white men and lupita is the computer smart best friend that helps plan the scams,” read the tweet. Both stars then expressed interest in the idea on Twitter, followed by Selma director DeVernay and Insecure writer Issa Rae.

to be set to être prévu, devoir / to star tenir la vedette / buddy movie lit. «film de copains», genre cinématogr­aphique articulé autour d’un duo composé de deux personnali­tés opposées / to go, went, gone viral se propager rapidement sur le Web / joke farce, plaisanter­ie / pitch ici, intrigue, idée / to scam arnaquer (scam escroqueri­e) / computer smart «pro» de l’informatiq­ue.

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