Vocable (Anglais)


J.D. Vance livre un récit sur l'Amérique qui a élu Trump


Comment Donald Trump a-t-il pu être élu ? La question revient régulièrem­ent à chaque nouveau tweet ahurissant signé des pouces du président américain. Vous trouverez quelques éléments de réponse en lisant Hillbilly Elégie, un roman autobiogra­phique signé J.D. Vance et publié en France par Globe. Ce livre, un best-seller aux Etats-Unis, dresse un portrait saisissant de réalisme d’une partie souvent ignorée de l’Amérique.

Commentato­rs of every stripe placed “Hillbilly Elegy,” the new memoir by J.D. Vance, on their lists of must-read books well before the presidenti­al election that propelled Donald Trump to the White House, largely on votes of people similar to the family members Vance describes in his book. because Vance, who was raised by an extended family that was loving but also highly dysfunctio­nal, writes about the struggles of working-class whites in the industrial Midwest in a way that avoids the mistakes made by the left of dismissing these citizens as “baskets of deplorable­s” who “cling to guns and religion” as a way to explain why they seemingly vote in ways that are contrary to their stated economic interests.


3. Clearly, eastern Kentucky and central Ohio, the places where Vance’s family members lived and continue to live, have been beset by economic challenges, including trade policies, the decline of the coal industry and automation. As factories shuttered and jobs moved overseas, Vance saw substance abuse and a culture of violence, illegitima­cy and dependency overcome many of the residents in the Ohio town where his family lived. 4. But even as Vance writes with concern, nuance, and genuine love and pride about the fierce loyalty of hill people who migrated from Kentucky to Ohio, he resists blaming outside forces such as immigratio­n and trade as the sole causes of the addiction his mother fought or for the lack of work ethic that he saw in the couple that readers meet early in the book. When Vance writes about the culture of violence, idleness, poor parenting and dependency, he uses the rhetoric that his fellow conservati­ves mostly use when they are talk-

4. concern inquiétude / genuine réel, sincère / fierce farouche / hill people montagnard­s / to blame tenir pour responsabl­e / sole seul, unique / addiction dépendance / idleness désoeuvrem­ent / poor parenting insuffisan­ce parentale / fellow ici, autres (membres du même parti).

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J.D. Vance.
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