Vocable (Anglais)

Me, myself and iPhone

Les réseaux sociaux rendent-ils moins heureux ?


Depuis que Facebook existe, les psychologu­es tentent d’analyser l’effet des réseaux sociaux sur la santé mentale des plus jeunes. La conclusion de ces études est souvent la même : les adolescent­s ultraconne­ctés auraient tendance à être plus pessimiste­s. Mais quel est le lien de causalité entre dépression et réseaux sociaux ? Leur utilisatio­n rend-elle vraiment moins heureux ?

The final bell rings at a high school in downtown Los Angeles, and nearly every pupil spilling onto the pavement either clutches a smartphone or studies a screen, head bowed. A group of boys strolls down the street laughing at a YouTube video, while a girl waiting for her lift home catches up with the Kardashian sisters on Instagram. Since 2007, when Apple released the first iPhone, such scenes have become the norm in America. The Pew Research Centre found that three-quarters of teens have access to a smartphone. According to one Facebook executive, millennial­s look at their phones on average more than 150 times a day. 2. Over the past decade, the number of American children and teenagers admitted to children’s hospitals for reporting suicidal thoughts has more than doubled. Some have not received help in time; after declining for years, the suicide rate for 15-to-19-year-olds shot up between 2007 and 2015, increasing by 31% for boys and more than doubling for girls. Psychologi­sts are striving to understand whether this increase merely coincides with the rise of social media, or whether something causative is happening. 3. There may be plenty of analogue reasons for it. “A number of things are pretty unique to young people today. They were born around when the Columbine shooting happened, they were kids for 9/11, they were kids during one of the worst recessions in modern history,” says Nicole Green, the executive director of Counsellin­g and Psychologi­cal Services at the University of California, Los Angeles, who has seen demand for her office’s services from college undergradu­ates surge.

 ?? (iStock ) ?? Teenagers are growing more anxious and depressed. Could they hold the culprit in their hands?
(iStock ) Teenagers are growing more anxious and depressed. Could they hold the culprit in their hands?

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