Vocable (Anglais)

Michael Curry


Bishop Michael Curry, the first AfricanAme­rican leader of the US Episcopal church, was chosen to deliver a sermon at Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding last month. He gave a passionate 14-minute address in which he preached in the style of the traditiona­l African-American church. He quoted Martin Luther King, mentioned slavery, and emphasized the social and political power of love. Many journalist­s said that Curry “made history” with his speech.

bishop évêque / US Episcopal church (fondée en 1789) nom pris par l’Église anglicane américaine / to deliver ici, prononcer / address discours ici, sermon / to preach prêcher / to quote citer / slavery esclavage / to emphasize insister sur / to make, made, made history entrer dans l’Histoire.

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