Vocable (Anglais)

Snakes on a high street


This summer, a boa constricto­r was spotted eating a pigeon on the pavement of a busy east London high street. Appalled and amused bystanders took videos of the animal before calling the RSPCA. According to reports, one of the bystanders had fed the already-dead pigeon to the snake. Other urban escapist snakes made the headlines this summer, including a 2.4 metre python that was found in a blind man’s bathroom in Exeter.

high street (GB) grand-rue / to spot repérer, apercevoir / pavement (GB) trottoir, (US) chaussée / appalled choqué / bystander passant / RSPCA = Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals / report ici, témoignage / to feed, fed, fed ici, donner à manger / escapist ici, qui se sont échappés / to make, made, made the headlines faire les gros titres / blind aveugle.

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