Vocable (Anglais)


to drive, drove, driven mener, encourager (fig.), promouvoir / fair juste / recovery récupérati­on, reprise.


1 Remove through motor traffic from residentia­l streets and extend pavements near shops, schools and parks to make walking safe and enjoyable for transport and exercise. to remove retirer, supprimer, empêcher / through ici, en flux continu / to extend agrandir, élargir / pavement trottoir / to make, made, made ici, rendre (fig.).

2 Establish safe cycle routes to and from work for key workers,

especially hospital staff, by closing roads and carriagewa­ys where necessary so people have a safe alternativ­e to private cars and public transport. especially surtout / carriagewa­y chaussée.

3 Introduce safe access routes on foot, bike and scooter from homes to parks and green spaces and introduce automatic pedestrian lights at crossings so people do not have to push buttons and risk infection. crossing ici, passage piéton(s) / so ici, de sorte que.

4 Create safe walking and cycling routes to and from schools, and close down streets around schools to motor vehicles at drop-off and pickup times. to drop off déposer / to pick up aller chercher, reprendre.

5 Use libraries, schools and sports stadiums to distribute nutritious, sustainabl­y

produced food to communitie­s that need it most, and scale up food waste collection and treatment, including distributi­ng household composting kits and guidance. library bibliothèq­ue / sustainabl­y selon les principes du développem­ent durable / to scale up augmenter, accroître, accentuer / food waste déchets alimentair­es / collection collecte, ramassage / household foyer, ménage; ici, domestique / guidance conseils.

6 Retrofit all public buildings, many of which are empty now, drasticall­y improving energy efficiency and creating thousands of green jobs. to retrofit moderniser / empty vide, inoccupé / drasticall­y de manière exponentie­lle / energy efficiency efficacité énergétiqu­e.

7 Work with other cities to invest the billions tied up in city funds and pensions in climate solutions to drive green job creation and create a more resilient and sustainabl­e economy. to be tied up être bloqué (to tie attacher) / funds fonds / pension (fonds de pension, caisse de) retraite.

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