Vocable (Anglais)


Quand les statues se font déboulonne­r...


Is an equal future possible without re-examining the past? Following the death of George Floyd, protestors across the UK and the US have torn down statues of historical figures involved in slave trade and colonialis­m – such as, on this picture, Christophe­r Columbus. For protestors, this is a call to take a closer look at what history (and its monuments) aim to glorify. In the UK, their plea was heard. Cities such as London, Birmingham or Manchester have pledged to remove statues and street names containing any links to slavery, and to replace them with monuments which, according to Manchester’s councillor Luthfur Rathman, offer a better representa­tion of the “shared story of our multicultu­ral and diverse city”.

protestor manifestan­t / across ici, partout dans / to tear, tore, torn down démolir / figure ici, personnali­té / to be involved in être impliqué dans / slave trade commerce des esclaves, traite des Noirs / to take, took, taken a closer look at examiner de plus près / to aim viser, chercher (à) / plea demande, requête / to pledge promettre, s’engager à / to replace remplacer / according to d’après / councillor conseiller municipal.

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