Vocable (Anglais)

Révisions de fin d'année scolaire


Profitez de la pause estivale pour réviser les points de grammaire abordés dans Vocable cette année. Pour vous aider, regardez de nouveau les Piqûres de rappel et les exercices des numéros 817 à 828.

1 Complétez les phrases en vous inspirant des mots entre parenthèse­s.

1. We ........ just ............. lunch when the phone rang. (finir)

2. We ...................................... a letter from him for several months but we ....... n’t ................. anything yet. (attendre/ recevoir)

3. I’m ............. . There’s nothing to do here. (s’ennuyer)

4. What a ............. place to live. No clubs, no pubs, no theatre, no cinema! (ennuyeux)

5. As a couple they seem to get ............ really well. (s’entendre) 6. It will take time for him to settle ............ in Canada. (s’habituer, s’adapter) 7. I’ll pop ............... the road and get some fish and chips. (faire un saut)

8. If you ..................... more evidence you might have won the case. (donner)

9. If I ....................... you were coming I would have baked a cake. (savoir)

10. If they ................ a survey they may have discovered some interestin­g facts. (réaliser)

2 Quel est le sens de “have” dans ces phrases?

s’expliquer faire marcher avoir une dent contre quelqu’un passer en jugement

1. You’re having me on!

2. He has it in for me.

3. He was had up for drunk driving.

4. I had it out with him when he got home.

3 Transposez ces phrases de l’actif au passif. Il y a 2 possibilit­és pour chaque phrase.

1. We are expecting all our students to get excellent results. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

2. They alleged that he punched her. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

3. Some believe she is the only person who has done that. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

4. The newspapers have reported that four people died in the accident. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

1. I have started ................ own business. (me/my/mine)

2. We’ve put ................ plans on hold but Sue and Rob are going ahead with ................ . (us/our/ours) (them/their/theirs)

3. The company has announced .............. latest sales figures. (its/it’s)

4. Do you think .............. really possible? (its/it’s)

1. prize / the / got / people / a / three / first

2. have / time / enough / we / do ?

3. coat / he / orange /was / beautiful / wearing / a / bright / leather

4. he /come / when / will?

5. we / come / he / know / when / don’t / will

1. He’s a medical student. Il est ............................................... .

2. He’s accused of attempted murder. Il est ............................................. .

3. They sell it by the metre. Ils le vendent .............................. .

4. Where there’s a will there’s a way. Quand on veut .............................. .

5. Does the argument hold water? Est-ce un argument ............. ?

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