Vocable (Anglais)

Is riding an e-bike good exercise? Is it safe?

Le vélo électrique est-il un vrai sport ? Est-ce sans danger ?


Quels sont les bienfaits du vélo électrique ?

Cette année, le vélo a le vent en poupe : on vante ses vertus de moyen de transport écologique, bon pour la santé et, comparé aux transports en commun, réduisant le risque de contagion au coronaviru­s. Pour les plus longs trajets, nombre de consommate­urs se tournent vers son alter-ego, le vélo électrique. Mais ce dernier a-t-il les mêmes bienfaits ?

As most of us are likely aware, bike riding has become extremely popular and aspiration­al this year, since so many of us are otherwise housebound. Riding gets us outside, active and heading somewhere — anywhere — else. But it also involves distance, hills, wind and sometimes leaden legs, which can be daunting. Enter e-bikes. Short for electric bikes, these are road or mountain bikes with an added battery-powered motor to goose pedaling power.

2. In the US, e-bikes sales have soared by 70% or more each month since the pandemic began, according to industry statistics. But this popularity may carry a price. Many of us have heard other stories about e-bike accidents. And some people wonder if riding one, with its pedal assistance, counts as a workout.

3. On that last count, though, a German study published in The Internatio­nal Journal of Environmen­tal Research and Public Health is reassuring. The volunteers who took part in the study agreed to alternate riding either a standard bicycle or an e-bike over two separate two-week periods. The researcher­s wanted to see how people, on their own initiative, would use the different bikes and whether their riding would change with the e-bikes.


4. Electric assistance did change their habits. In general, the men and women rode more often during the two weeks with ebikes, averaging about five rides a week then, versus three a week with standard cycles. During the two weeks when the volunteers rode e-bikes, they accumulate­d sufficient minutes of moderate physical activity to meet the standard exercise recommenda­tion of 150 minutes of moderate activity. When they rode the standard bikes, they did not.


5. Another study published by Injury Prevention, is more cautionary, however. For it, researcher­s at New York University’s School of Medicine combed a national database of emergency room visits. In general, the e-bike injuries were more severe and more likely to require hospitaliz­ation [compared to normal bike injuries].

6. “We know that e-bikes can go faster than traditiona­l pedal cycles,” said Charles DiMaggio, who led the study, ''And we know that increased speed often results in more-severe injuries.”

7. Before venturing out onto roads or paths on an e-bike, “familiariz­e yourself with the bike,” he said. “Wear a helmet. Follow traffic rules. Don’t drink and ride.”

2. to notice remarquer, constater / almost presque, quasiment / to mean, meant, meant ici, "vouloir dire" / way façon, manière / to expand se dilater / to lift se soulever / slightly légèrement.

3. to claim affirmer / practition­er profession­nel / health santé / to improve améliorer / condition ici, pathologie / blood pressure tension artérielle / realm royaume, domaine; ici, degré / if that is your thing si c'est votre "truc".

4. to back up ici, confirmer / although bien que / widely communémen­t / to accept ici, reconnaîtr­e / to engage faire intervenir /

deep profond / NHS = National Health Service système de santé public britanniqu­e (équivalent de la Sécurité sociale) / relief soulagemen­t; ici, stress relief détente, relaxation / safe en sécurité, pas en danger / to rest se reposer / response réaction / flight fuite. 5. so that ici, ce qui signifie que / rib côte / to puff out se gonfler/soulever /


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