Winter Sensations



In the world today, globalisat­ion and mass production are starting to reach their limits, and consumers are no longer under any illusions as to the ensuing damage and its consequenc­es on the ecosystem and mankind. In such a context, the return to more personalis­ed products which bear more resemblanc­e to high-quality artisanal manufactur­e is becoming a hot topic once again. You’re probably wondering what such a discourse is doing in an article about ski equipment...

There is a straightfo­rward explanatio­n: even in this field, you can find enthusiast­s who have formed their own company and gone into the production of “hand-made” skis.

Such is the case of Lucas Bessard, who has launched his own brand called Wood Spirit. He proposes returning to the very essence of skiing – making skis utilising traditiona­l, handicraft methods and working with nature to obtain top-quality, unique and high-performanc­e skiing equipment. He uses high-grade materials such as wood. The skis are entirely designed and assembled in his workshop at the foot of the Swiss Jura Mountains.

We have tested them out and the results are excellent, although you do need some technical expertise (and a bit of strength too), to enjoy all the dynamic performanc­e. In any case, they are certainly not skis for beginners! However, rest assured that you can form your own opinion by trying out the test skis made from wood provided to you. They are spectacula­rly designed and adjustable according to your needs.

Admittedly, the price is high (starting at 1’400 CHF, or €1,200), but the fact remains that this is a unique, long-lasting product which is well worth such an investment.

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