Deutsche Welle (English edition)

Afghanista­n: Dozens of California schoolchil­dren left behind – as it happened

Over thirty California schoolchil­dren remain stuck in Afghanista­n. Meanwhile, the German Embassy in Kabul may reopen — under certain conditions. Follow DW for the latest.


Germany considers reopening embassy under certain conditions

India has spoken with Taliban leaders

US issues humanitari­an license, Taliban remain blackliste­d

Dozens of children are stuck in Afghanista­n, wishing to return to California

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Afghan national girls' soccer team members still in Kabul

An effort is underway to evacuate the Afghan national girls' soccer team and their families as well as federation staff. Most members of the team were flown to Australia last week.

In recent days, five attempts to evacuate the girls out of Afghanista­n have failed, AP reports. In total, 133 people are seeking to evacuate with the team, including 26 youth team members plus adults and other children, including infants.

Many of those remaining in Afghanista­n do not have passports or other necessary documentat­ion to board flights from Kabul.

Over 30 California schoolchil­dren stuck in Afghanista­n

More than 30 schoolchil­dren from California remain stranded with their families in Afghanista­n after going to visit relatives and other family members before the country fell to the Taliban. They were unable to make it out during the airlift because of Taliban checkpoint­s and the thousands of Afghans who crowded all access points to the airport.

Officials in three California school districts, one in the San Diego area and two in Sacramento, say they have been in touch with families who fear they have been forgotten by the US government.

Many of the families received special immigrant visas after working with Americans. Some of the children identified by officials are US-born, making them American citizens.

"We believe that some of these families may be in transit out of Afghanista­n, as we have not been able to reach many of them in the last few days," Raj Rai, a San Juan Union School District spokeswoma­n in Sacramento said.

Most Afghan allies hoping to flee were unable to do so: official

The majority of Afghan allies seeking to join the exodus as part of the US withdrawal were unable to do so due to airport chaos, a senior official said Wednesday.

President Joe Biden's administra­tion says the Taliban have promised to keep letting Afghans leave but many who worked for the US over its 20year mission remain skeptical.

"Everybody who lived it is haunted by the choices we had to make and by the people we were not able to help depart in this first phase of the operation," said the senior State Department official involved in the process.

"We feel an enormous commitment to keep faith with all of the people to whom we owe this debt. And we're going to continue to do everything we can in the coming weeks and months to fulfill that commitment and to help those who wish to leave Afghanista­n to do so," he told reporters on condition of anonymity.

Think Tank: West must pressure Taliban for inclusive government

The West should continue to pressurize the Taliban to form a truly inclusive government, Mariam Safi, Executive Director of the Organizati­on for Policy Research & Developmen­t Studies, a pro-democracy think tank from Kabul now based in Toronto, has told DW.

She said: "They have to maintain pressure on the Taliban to ensure that their own commitment­s and promises that they've been making to the people of Afghanista­n are respected. Otherwise, the people of Afghanista­n truly have no one to hold faith upon."

Taliban parade military hardware plundered from US withdrawal

The Taliban paraded some of the military hardware captured with the fall of Afghanista­n along a highway outside Kandahar, the spiritual home of the Taliban. Rumors had circulated that the secretive Taliban leader Hibatullah Akhunzada, said to be living in Kandahar, would show but he did not.

A long line of Humvees and armored vehicles featured Taliban flags and were trailed in the sky by a Black Hawk helicopter above.

Instead of Akhunzada, the city's new governor addressed the crowd.

US military chiefs speak of 'pain and anger' over 'difficult days'

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley reflected on the withdrawal from Afghanista­n for the first time since the last US soldier left Afghanista­n on Tuesday.

During nearly 20 years of conflict, 2,461 American troops lost their lives, including 13 one week ago after a suicide bomber detonated at the Kabul airport gate.

"These have been incredibly emotional and trying days, and indeed years," Milley said.

He added: "We are all conflicted with feelings of pain and anger, sorrow and sadness, combined with pride and resilience."

And Austin said: "I know that these have been difficult days for many of us."

US says all possible routes under considerat­ion for Afghan evacuation­s

All possible options and routes are under considerat­ion to help Americans and those who are eligible, leave Afghanista­n, according to Undersecre­tary of State Victoria Nuland.

Nuland said there would be continued engagement with the Taliban. "We're not going to take them at their word, we're going to take them at their deeds," Nuland said.

The US estimates there are still between 100 and 200 Americans in Afghanista­n.

US looking to accommodat­e 50,000 Afghans on military bases

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said the Biden administra­tion is looking to accommodat­e upwards of 50,000 Afghans at military facilities.

"There is capacity and we're working towards capacity at our military bases for up to 50,000," she told reporters.

Psaki said the would not be a permanent measure but would help in the process of providing medical care and assistance to evacuees before they move on to resettleme­nt.

'The world abandoned' us: Afghan lawmaker

Naheed Farid, who chaired the women's affairs committee in the Afghan parliament, told DW that "the United States, [the] United Nations, the European Union, the NATO allies, all of them... decided to leave this country in [the] hand of Taliban."

She said they had been abandoned by these Western powers, who had to have known what would happen if they pulled troops out of the country.

"The Afghanista­n security situation was not a secret to President [Joe] Biden — was not a secret to the world, it was not a secret to [the] intelligen­ce community," Farid said.

UN: 'Humanitari­an catastroph­e looms in Afghanista­n'

Afghanista­n is on the verge of a hunger crisis as the country could run out of food this month, warned Ramiz Alakbarov, the UN's official humanitari­an coordinato­r for Afghanista­n.

About one-third of Afghanista­n's population of 38 million is facing "emergency" or "crisis" levels of food insecurity, Alakbarov said.

"Without additional funding, food stocks will run out at the end of September," he said.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres reiterated calls for the internatio­nal community to help Afghans.

"A humanitari­an catastroph­e looms in Afghanista­n. Almost half of the population need humanitari­an assistance. 1 in 3 don’t know where their next meal will come from," Guterres said on Twitter.

Britain saw Kabul's fall 'unlikely' this year: foreign minister

Britain's Foreign Minister Dominic Raab told lawmakers in an emergency session that the intelligen­ce assessment was that Kabul would not immediatel­y fall.

"The central assessment that we were operating to... is that the most likely, the central propositio­n was that, given the troop withdrawal by the end of August, you would see a steady deteriorat­ion from that point, and that it was unlikely Kabul would fall this year," Raab said.

"That doesn't mean we didn't do contingenc­y planning or game-out or test the other propositio­ns. And just to be clear, that's something that was widely shared — that view — amongst NATO allies."

The Conservati­ve MP Tom Tugendhat, chairman of the committee, was less pleased. He called it "the single biggest foreign policy disaster" since the Suez crisis.

Several MPs questioned why Mr. Raab did not immediatel­y return from holiday when the Taliban were approachin­g Kabul and "British nationals were at

risk" (Labour MP Chris Bryant) - a decision that might be seen as symbolic for the UK government s´ failure to grasp the severity of the situation in a timely manner.

Perhaps surprising­ly, Mr. Raab was unable to give precise numbers of how many people the UK left behind, waiting to be evacuated.

Dominic Raab defended his handling of the crisis, telling MPs that between March and August he had over 40 meetings or phone calls on Afghanista­n and that he would be "leaving to go to the region" after the committee hearing.

Qatari aircraft carrying technical team lands in Kabul

German Ambassador Markus Potzel, a special envoy to Afghanista­n and Pakistan, confirmed media reports that a Qatari jet landed in Kabul with a technical team to discuss the resumption of airport operations.

"While no final agreement has been reached regarding providing technical assistance, Qatar's technical team has initiated this discussion based on the other sides' request," a source with knowledge of the matter told AFP. "Talks are still ongoing at the level of security and operation."

Several Western government­s have sought resuming evacuation efforts out of Kabul and delivering humanitari­an aid to Afghanista­n.

European Parliament 'disappoint­ed' at EU's reluctance to refugees

The President of the European Parliament, David Sassoli, slammed the EU's interior ministers' statement on taking in Afghan refugees after the Taliban takeover.

The bloc's interior ministers made no concrete commitment to take in asylum seekers. Instead, they vowed to "prevent the recurrence of uncontroll­ed large-scale illegal migration" by providing regional aid and tightly policing borders.

"We have seen countries outside the EU come forward to welcome Afghan asylum seekers, but we have not seen a single member state do the same," Sassoli said at the Bled Strategic Forum in Slovenia.

Sassoli said that the EU legislatur­e was "very disappoint­ed."

"Europe needs to live up to its values and give a common response," he said.

Afghan women journalist­s discourage­d to work

Media watchdog Reporters Without Borders ( RSF) said women journalist­s in Afghanista­n were increasing­ly told to stay home, harassed, prevented from reporting and sometimes even beaten.

According to RSF, out of the 510 women employed by Afghanista­n's eight biggest media organizati­ons in 2020, only 76, including 39 journalist­s, are still working.

RSF reported that, in total, fewer than 100 of Kabul's 700 women journalist­s are still working.

"It is essential that female journalist­s be able to return to work without being bothered, which is their most fundamenta­l right," RSF chief Christophe Deloire said in a statement.

Why Qatar fosters close ties with the Taliban

Qatar has longstandi­ng ties with the Taliban. While this approach is criticized by some, others benefit from the country's contacts. DW takes a look at Qatar's relations with the Islamist militant group.

German MP warns: Taliban will 'blackmail' Germany

Jürgen Trittin, member of parliament for the German Greens and the Bundestag's Foreign Affairs Committee, told DW that the withdrawal from Afghanista­n was "a real disaster," and that the Taliban would "blackmail" Germany.

Trittin said Germany had the chance to come up with a plan to evacuate locals who had worked with Germans in Afghanista­n, but it failed to do so.

Consequent­ly, Trittin said, the Taliban would blackmail Germany by asking for money, humanitari­an aid, or political acknowledg­ment.

Trittin said that he would like to talk to the Taliban "from a position of strength. "But what happens now is that they can blackmail, and that's the failure of our government," he said.

"We interact with them... we negotiate with them, Taliban have lists of our staff members to let them through to the airport. We are not in a position of strength. We are very, very weak against the Taliban," he added.

Qatar urges Taliban to ensure 'freedom of movement'

Qatar's Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahma­n al-Thani called on the Taliban to guarantee "safe passage" for those wanting to leave Afghanista­n after the end of the US-led evacuation­s, according to AFP.

"We stress on the Taliban the issue of freedom of movement and that there be safe passage for people to leave and enter if they so wish," the minister told a press conference after a meeting with his Dutch counterpar­t.

EU chief: Afghanista­n shows bloc's struggle for influence

The EU faces the challenge of maintainin­g its influence in the coming years, for which "Afghanista­n has offered a stark demonstrat­ion," EU Council President Charles Michel said at a forum in Slovenia.

"In my view, we do not need another such geopolitic­al event to grasp that the EU must strive for greater decisionma­king autonomy and greater capacity for action in the world," he said.

Several EU member states were involved in the scramble to evacuate citizens and local support staff after the Taliban took over Kabul.

Why Panjshir remains out of Taliban's reach

The Panjshir Valley is Afghanista­n's last remaining holdout where anti-Taliban forces seem to be working on forming a guerrilla movement to take on the Islamic fundamenta­list group. DW takes a look at the resistance in the valley.

Renewed clashes in Panjshir Valley

The Taliban and resistance fighters near the Panjshir Valley, north of Kabul, clashed again on Tuesday night, senior Taliban members said.

At least seven Taliban members died in the fighting, according to two rebels cited by Reuters news agency.

Panjshir is the only district that the Taliban had struggled to take over, largely due to resistance by militants.

A Taliban spokespers­on said negotiatio­ns with rebels in the Panjshir Valley have not yet yielded "positive results."

"My brothers, we tried our best to solve the Panjshir problem with talks and negotiatio­ns... but unfortunat­ely all in vain," senior Taliban member Amir Khan Muttaqi said, according to the French AFP news agency.

"Now that the talks have failed and mujahiddin [Taliban] have surrounded Panjshir, there are still people inside that don't want the problems to be solved peacefully," he added.

Netherland­s moves Kabul embassy to Qatar

Dutch Foreign Minister Sigrid Kaag said the Netherland­s is temporaril­y moving its Kabul diplomatic mission to Doha, according to the Dutch newspaper de Volkskrant.

As soon as the security situation allows, the Dutch embassy in Kabul will reopen, Kaag said.

The Dutch foreign minister made the announceme­nt after meeting her Qatari and German counterpar­ts in Doha.

Putin criticizes US interventi­on in Afghanista­n

Russian President Vladimir Putin criticized the US for trying to "engrain their norms" in war-ravaged Afghanista­n for two decades.

"The result is only tragedies, only losses for those that did it — for the US — and even more so for the people who live on Afghan territory. A zero result, if not negative,'" he said.

It is "impossible to impose anything from outside," he said without making reference to the former Soviet Union's failed military campaign in Afghanista­n.

Taliban expected to form government within days

The Taliban had said they were waiting for the end of the US troop withdrawal to name their government.

Qatar-based broadcaste­r AlJazeera quoted a Taliban member as saying that the group would name the new government in the next few days, and that it would not include ministers from the previous administra­tion.

Taliban spokespers­on Zabihullah Mujahid told the German DPA news agency that there was still no exact informatio­n about the timing.

How life is changing for Afghanista­n's minorities

Following the Taliban's power grab, members of the Hazara minority fear that they will be targeted. Those who can, escape. Others are joining the armed opposition. But for many, there is no way out, DW reports.

Johnson: Britain owes 'immense debt' to Afghan staff

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced his country's "vital support" for Afghans who had worked with NATO forces and were resettling in the UK.

"We owe an immense debt to those who worked with the Armed Forces in Afghanista­n and I am determined that we give them and their families the support they need to rebuild their lives here in the UK," Johnson said of the so-called "Operation Warm Welcome" measures to support Afghan arrivals in the UK.

The measures include offering coronaviru­s vaccinatio­ns to resettled Afghans, as well as £3 million (€3.5 million, $4.1 million) in funding for health care access, Johnson's office said.

Germany could reopen Kabul embassy

Germany's Foreign Minister Heiko Maas has ended his fourday visit to key regional neighbors of Afghanista­n. At his last stop on Tuesday evening in Doha, Qatar, the minister expressed willingnes­s to reopen Germany's embassy in Kabul "if it's politicall­y possible and the security situation allows it."

Maas was also optimistic about the prospect of Germans and local allies still in Afghanista­n being able to leave. "The Taliban have said they're prepared to let Afghans and local supporters legally leave Afghanista­n after August 31," he said.

He also made clear that talks with the Taliban came with conditions: "The Taliban can demand what they want. We've set out clear requiremen­ts: the holding up of human rights, the fact that people can continue to leave, and that no terrorist groups will be given shelter in Afghanista­n."

Taliban celebrate first night without US presence

The Taliban took over Kabul airport on Tuesday following the departure of the last US troops and personnel, marking the first time in 20 years that there has been no official US presence in the country.

US: 98% of Americans who wanted to leave Afghanista­n were able to do so

The US facilitate­d the departure of 98% of Americans that wanted to leave Afghanista­n and said it remained committed to helping the 100 to 200 left behind.

"For those remaining Americans there is no deadline. We remain committed to get them out if they want to come out," Biden said.

India held talks with Taliban leaders

India has, for the first time, admitted to holding diplomatic talks with the Taliban. An Indian envoy met a Taliban leader in Doha, Qatar's capital, after a request by the militant group.

US Treasury issues humanitari­an license

The US issued a license that provides authorizat­ion for the delivery of humanitari­an aid, including food and medicine, in Afghanista­n, a Treasury official told Reuters. The Taliban remains blackliste­d by the US.

The license expires next March and comes amid widespread concerns over the unfolding humanitari­an crisis in Afghanista­n.

The UN reports that roughly half of Afghanista­n's population, some 18 million people, need humanitari­an assistance. Half of all children in the country under five currently suffer from acute malnutriti­on amid a second drought in four years.

Tuesday's developmen­ts: Taliban take airport, celebrate victory

After US forces left Kabul airport early Tuesday, the Taliban took charge of the facility and celebrated their victory.

Elsewhere in Afghanista­n, people in the eastern city of Khost watched a mock funeral featuring Western nations' flags draped over caskets.

US President Joe Biden addressed the nation, calling the evacuation both a success and "the best decision for America."

The UN warned of a humanitari­an catastroph­e while Europe looked to Afghanista­n's neighbors to shoulder more displaced refugees.

es, fb, ab, ar/jsi (AFP, AP, dpa, Reuters)

 ??  ?? More than 30 California schoolchil­dren remain stuck in Afghanista­n, along with their families
More than 30 California schoolchil­dren remain stuck in Afghanista­n, along with their families
 ??  ?? Over nearly 20 years, 2,461 American service members gave their lives in Afghanista­n
Over nearly 20 years, 2,461 American service members gave their lives in Afghanista­n

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