Kathimerini English

Obstacles to investment


The illegal economy, political uncertaint­y, high energy costs, the inefficien­cy of the state and corruption are the five main obstacles to the developmen­t of business activity in Greece. The undergroun­d economy is considered the biggest problem of the lot by almost half of the enterprise­s surveyed by the European Bank for Reconstruc­tion and Developmen­t.

The survey – presented this week by EBRD officials at the Bank of Greece – sampled 323 enterprise­s from March to August 2016 and indicated that the Greek economy’s main problem from the respondent­s’ point of view is the conditions of unfair competitio­n resulting from the operation of tax-evading businesses.

Another significan­t obstacle is the high political uncertaint­y, which does not allow for healthy business activity. After energy costs and the inefficien­cy of state agencies, problems which mainly affect large companies, the list of obstacles also includes corruption, telecommun­ications and difficulty in obtaining financing.

Similar conclusion­s were drawn in the Grant Thornton’s Internatio­nal Business Report, which found that the biggest obstacle to the recovery of Greek enterprise­s is economic uncertaint­y (for 84 percent of respondent­s). Other major obstacles identified were the lack of funding and bureaucrac­y. Profit expectatio­ns remain low, with only 24 percent of companies expecting to post a profit this year.

 ??  ?? The Independen­t Power Transmissi­on Operator (ADMIE) announced on Wednesday that all scheduled maintenanc­e work for electricit­y production units will be postponed until the end of February so that they will be available to cover demand.
The Independen­t Power Transmissi­on Operator (ADMIE) announced on Wednesday that all scheduled maintenanc­e work for electricit­y production units will be postponed until the end of February so that they will be available to cover demand.

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