Kathimerini English

Tread carefully


The aggression being displayed by Turkey in the Aegean Sea over the past couple of months is cause for great concern and Athens needs to act with determinat­ion while keeping a cool head in its responses. Turkey is in the grips of a major domestic crisis following last summer’s failed coup, and the risk of an “accident” either because it is planned or because of overzealou­sness on the part of certain players is very present indeed. However, the effort launched by Constantin­e Karamanlis in 1975 to reach an agreement with Turkey that would settle territoria­l disputes in the Aegean once and for all should by no means be abandoned. That said, for any such effort to come to a successful conclusion, Turkey needs to finally express its interest in and commitment to good-neighborly relations and peaceful coexistenc­e with deeds and not just words.

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