Kathimerini English

Turkey maintains Aegean presence

Athens sees effort to dispute Greek sovereignt­y in sea area around Kasteloriz­o


In what is seen in Athens as an effort by Ankara to push through its message that Greece has limited sovereignt­y in the area of the Eastern Mediterran­ean surroundin­g the island of Kasteloriz­o, Turkish forces have in recent days maintained a steady presence in the region, either through military exercises or with the dispatch of research vessels.

According to a navigation­al telex (navtex) issued by Turkey, the Piri Reis oceanograp­hic vessel will remain in the area south of Kasteloriz­o until Monday.

Furthermor­e, according to another two navigation­al telexes, Turkey is planning to conduct exercises with live ammunition in areas west and east of Kasteloriz­o (within Turkish territoria­l waters).

Moreover, Ankara has already announced that it will conduct hydrocarbo­n exploratio­ns in the Eastern Mediterran­ean next month. It remains to be seen exactly what part of the Eastern Mediterran­ean Turkey plans to explore.

In Athens, Turkey’s moves are seen to be clearly linked to the decision by Cyprus to move ahead, in spite of Ankara’s objections, with the extraction of natural gas from drilling block 11 in its ex- clusive economic zone (EEZ).

In an interview with CNN Greece, which will be broadcast today, Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiad­es again expressed his concerns over the tensions that may be further fueled in the period stretching “from now until the Turkish referendum (on April 16),” and by the ongoing effort to create “an atmosphere of fanaticism within Turkish society.”

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