Kathimerini English

The Dutch elections and Greece


The Dutch elections

were a great birthday gift for the European Union, which will be celebratin­g the 60th anniversar­y of the Treaty of Rome on March 25. The declaratio­ns of relief from European leaders when it was clear that anti-EU Geert Wilders would not win indicated the magnitude of their anxiety. Because it is unlikely that Dutch voters went to the polls to ease the worries of European leaders, it’s worth taking a look at the elections through the prism of the Greek experience. For many who observed the elections from a distance, the narrative was that if Wilders won this would confirm the domino theory – that after Brexit and Trump, Europe would have to contend with the Dutch populist, before presidenti­al elections in France and parliament­ary elections in Germany, where local anti-EU populists would win or, at least, determine developmen­ts. In the end, Prime Minister Mark Rutte’s pro-EU party won the most seats (33 in the 150-seat parliament), although it lost eight from the previous election; Wilders’s party gained five seats (for a total of 20) and took second place. Jeroen Dijsselblo­em’s Labor Party crashed from second place to seventh, benefiting smaller parties. The elections showed, first, that however attractive domino theories are they’re always dicey (older readers will remember the American argument that if South Vietnam were to fall there would be a domino effect in Southeast Asia); second, in democracie­s today there is a strong trend toward the political system’s fragmentat­ion. The dissolutio­n of the center strengthen­s marginal forces, as we saw in Greece when the crisis erupted. This demands greater cooperatio­n between parties just as conditions make consensus ever more difficult. In the Netherland­s, despite a long tradition of coalition government­s (because of their proportion­al representa­tion electoral system), there will be hard bargaining for an agreement. Wednesday’s results favor a coalition of proEU forces, but Wilders’s anti-Islamic, anti-immigrant rhetoric has been adopted to some degree by various other parties, which could complicate talks between likely partners. Also, in Greece we have learned that when more parties adopt ex- tremists’ language, only the extremists benefit, gaining legitimacy for their views. So it is very likely that Wilders, or someone like him, will win the next elections if new policies do not weaken the currents that carried him so far. A significan­t factor in the Dutch elections was the explosion in tension between Turkey and the Netherland­s and Germany, and the role this played in the electoral outcome. Greece is on the frontline of this tension and may suffer the consequenc­es. At the same time, our EU partners ought to understand what Greece faces from an aggressive neighbor. Maybe this will help them see Greece as an integral part of Europe, not just an accounting problem nor a moral drama.

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