Kathimerini English

Visual Anthropolo­gy


> Athens > July 1-23

The Netherland­s Institute in Athens, the Athens Ethnograph­ic Film Festival, the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropolo­gy at VU Amsterdam, in cooperatio­n with the Ethnograph­ic Laboratory of Panteion University, are organizing an intensive summer school on visual anthropolo­gy in collaborat­ion with Dutch and Greek universiti­es for the third year in a row. The course will take place from July 1 to 23, and can accept just 30 applicants from outstandin­g last-year BA, master and firstyear PhD students in social/political sciences, humanities and fine arts. Students can apply by filling in an applicatio­n form (available at www.ethnofest.gr) and sending it along with a motivation letter on “Visual Ethnograph­y of Cityscapes” to Dr Tryfon Bampilis at nia@nia.gr before April 28. Successful applicants will be notified by May 15.

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