Kathimerini English

Erdogan gone rogue


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan clearly sees himself as the leader of a regional superpower and as a hegemon of the Islamic world. As a result, the Turkish strongman feels that he can do and say whatever he wants. This attitude is not confined to the domestic front, where he has repeatedly extended the state of emergency, brutally violated all sorts of freedoms and rights, ordered the arrest of political rivals and threatened the detention of even more. This behavior also extends beyond his country’s borders, as Turkey has invaded neighborin­g countries and threatened to invade others, and Erdogan has called for the revision, or “update,” of internatio­nal treaties so that the country’s official borders can coincide with, as he put it, “the borders of our hearts.” Acting as a modern-day sultan, Erdogan does not hesitate to attack the leaders of other countries. After accusing German Chancellor Angela Merkel of using “Nazi practices,” after describing Europe as “fascist,” after threatenin­g US forces in Syria with an “Ottoman slap,” and after regularly criticizin­g Israel (his known antiSemiti­sm led to the infamous clash with Israeli President Shimon Peres at Davos in 2009), Er- dogan recently targeted Ramush Haradinaj, the prime minister of Kosovo, a state which he clearly views as a Turkish protectora­te. Erdogan slammed Haradinaj after the latter dismissed Kosovo’s chief of intelligen­ce and its interior minister following the deportatio­n of six Turkish citizens with ties to the Fethullah Gulen movement (which Erdogan blames for the attempted 2016 putsch), without his permission. “Since when have you begun to protect those who work to stage a coup against the Turkish Republic?... You will pay for this. Your career is over,” said Erdogan, who in essence regards Kosovo as a Turkish province. The behavior of the Turkish president – given the expansioni­st tendencies that are fed by his collaborat­ion with far-right nationalis­ts and his aggressive infiltrati­on in the Balkans, which has strong religious characteri­stics – mandates that Greece be on the alert and prioritize the handling of its other unresolved issues. Erdogan’s unpredicta­ble character and authoritar­ian drift, combined with his strong influence and efforts to export the Islamic element, create an explosive mix – and Greece finds itself right on the front line.

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