Kathimerini English

Homo translucid­us: A new transparen­t man


The need for transparen­cy has been embraced by various institutio­ns and bodies, such as national government­s, political parties, as well as internatio­nal organizati­ons and private enterprise­s.

At the same time, the necessity to enhance transparen­cy extends further, to the people associated with those public and private sector establishm­ents, such as heads of states, politician­s, public servants, employees and individual service users. First and foremost, it should be noted that transparen­cy is undoubtedl­y an instrument for democratic scrutiny.

However, the problem lies in the fact that transparen­cy is being used not only as a means to control power, but also as a means to surveil citizens. In the latter case, the public and private domain are intermingl­ed, thus creating an inseparabl­e transparen­t sphere. New technologi­es, social media, mass digitaliza­tion and the processing of personal data all contribute to the formation of an indissolub­le transparen­t whole. People are increasing­ly willing to disclose their personal informatio­n to third parties. In return, they are granted access to applicatio­ns, informatio­n databases, online activities and the enjoyment of wider social recognitio­n from other users.

In reality, however, such a transactio­n modifies human behavior. More specifical­ly, for millennia, the human presence in both public and private areas was delimited by the sentiment of shame, which can basically be described by two concepts: on the one hand, discretion, that is the practice of not meddling in other people’s lives, on the understand­ing that they will not interfere in ours, and, on the other, disgrace, which is the consciousn­ess of the shame caused by our actions and thoughts.

Nowadays, the average person’s sentiment of shame, as defined by the abovementi­oned notions, is gradually diminishin­g over time. Billions of people, all around the world, are willing to incessantl­y disclose personal informatio­n regarding their everyday lives to third parties, such as search engines, electronic databases, or to their internet friends, people they met online, but who, in most cases, are complete strangers. They disclose precisely the kind of informatio­n whose provision would have been avoided in the past, for reasons of discretion or in order for someone to avoid disgrace. One’s medical data, personal thoughts, sexual orientatio­n and preference­s, private moments, eccentric choices, everyday fears, all are being digitalize­d and converted into data, which are bought, sold and stored, but, above all, which predict, control and influence human behavior.

Thus, through this phenomenon, best described as “surveillan­ce capitalism,” we are witnessing the emergence of a new type of human. The transparen­t man, whom I would term “homo translucid­us.” A man who experience­s the sentiment of shame in a different way, one could say in a less intensive way, than in the past. A man who willingly barters his right to privacy, a man who has no problem in being constantly in plain view. At the same time, new technologi­es facilitate or even coerce this kind of “transparen­t behavior.”

Underminin­g human rights

In this context, the transparen­t man undermines the very notion of human rights, while at the same time hindering the proper functionin­g of democracy. What was defined at the end of the 19th century as “the right to be let alone,” that is to say the right to privacy, seems already like a vestige of another era, as the day homo translucid­us tragically claims a “right to be surveilled” is not far away.

The respect of the core of a human being, thus the respect of the uniqueness and moral autonomy of each and every one of us, requires the unwavering worldwide commitment to the protection of privacy.

In order to progress in that direction, more social and political actions should be adopted, as now, more than ever before, the very essence of democracy, human freedom, is at stake. * Dr Marinos Skandamis is a Supreme Court lawyer. He was formerly general secretary of Crime Policy at the Greek Ministry of Justice.

 ??  ?? People are increasing­ly willing to disclose their personal informatio­n to third parties. In return, they are granted access to applicatio­ns, informatio­n databases, online activities and the enjoyment of wider social recognitio­n from other users.
People are increasing­ly willing to disclose their personal informatio­n to third parties. In return, they are granted access to applicatio­ns, informatio­n databases, online activities and the enjoyment of wider social recognitio­n from other users.

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