Stabroek News Sunday

Low historic deforestat­ion rate and weak economic growth: Correlatio­n or cause and effect?



Last week’s column identified ten leading considerat­ions which are responsibl­e for the high standing of Guyana in the world of forests. This standing is well described in Guyana’s indicated nationally determined contributi­on (INDC), submitted under the December 2015, Paris Agreement of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, (UNFCCC). Guyana’s INDC projects strict curbs to its greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), particular­ly carbon dioxide (CO2).

An earlier column (April 24, 2016), had highlighte­d in a Schedule, based on data from Alder and Kuijk (2009), Guyana’s 1) ‘historic’ rate of deforestat­ion (0.4 per cent); 2) annual average number of hectares deforested (62.6 thousand); 3) average net carbon loss per hectare, and thus annual carbon dioxide emissions (40.1 mlntCO2); and 4) estimated market value of these carbon emissions, based on a 2009 carbon price of US$20 per ton carbon dioxide equivalent. That Schedule (1) is reproduced below, with an updated estimate of the carbon market value, after allowance is made for inflation on the 2009 US$ carbon market value (11 per cent).

In that estimate, Guyana’s deforestat­ion rate is termed the ‘historic rate’. Certainly no serious analyst would now expect that rate to hold into even the medium term. Before addressing this topic further, readers should be reminded that the carbon market value of annual emissions of CO2 from Guyana’s forests, is quite large; in the region of US$890 million, at the inflation adjusted price of US$ 20 in 2009.

To arrive at plausible rates of future deforestat­ion, it is necessary to recall the main drivers of Guyana’s deforestat­ion. Schedule 2 below, reproduced from an earlier column (April 10, 2016) shows the leading drivers of deforestat­ion for the period 1990 to 2010. There it is evident that, mining (at nearly 64 percent) is easily the leading driver; followed by the substantia­lly lower forestry (23 per cent). Agricultur­e, infrastruc­ture, and forest fires are all below ten per cent, with forest fires only 2.3 per cent.

Population and income growth

These two variables, population and income, can be combined and expressed as per person or per capita GDP. The behaviour of this can then be related to the observed rates of deforestat­ion, in order to discern the numerical relation between the two. Alder and Kuijk (2009) did such an exercise. First, they obtained a long term rate of per person GDP growth, (roughly from 1969 to 2008) of 1.06 per cent per annum. Second, when this is compared to the historic rate of deforestat­ion of 0.4 per cent; the ratio between the two rates is 2.65; that is,.

With this observed relation, various growth rates can easily be projected into the future, and the likely deforestat­ion rate estimated, by using the ratio of 2.65. While any number of growth rates is theoretica­lly possible, the authors chose three rates which they believe would cover the likely range. These are 3, 5 and 8 per cent per annum respective­ly. Based on the ratio of 2.65, therefore, we have 3.0/2.65; 5.0/2.65; 8.0/2.65, which give deforestat­ion rates of 1.1; 1.9; and 3.0, respective­ly. These results are shown in Schedule 3 below.

Next week I take up important issues which lie behind this formulatio­n. Such analysis will lead to one of the most celebrated (and I believe contentiou­s) theoretica­l constructs in the world of forests; that is ‘forests transition theory’. In other words: does the correlatio­n between economic growth and deforestat­ion, uniquely indicate a relation of cause and effect?

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