Stabroek News Sunday



Hello Boys and Girls, How has your past week been? Have you been involved in any of the 50th Independen­ce Anniversar­y celebratio­ns? Happy 50th Anniversar­y to you, Boys and Girls! May God bless all of Guyana!

This week we will continue to look at our environmen­t. We will look at our immediate environmen­t. Let’s take a close look at the environmen­t in which we live.

Make a drawing of a house that you might like to build for yourself when you grow up. Use your imaginatio­n to make it a nice house. Draw the outside of the house and the surroundin­gs.

Look at the house in the picture below. It is Brian’s imaginary house. Your house may not be the same as Brian’s. In your drawing did you show any of the following? - piles of rubbish lying around outside - dirty walls or verandas - flies, mosquitoes, rats, bugs - dirty water in puddles or leaking from drains - overgrown grass or bushes where pests or dangerous animals might

live or hide - people defecating or urinating outside

I’m sure that your answer to each was “no, of course not!” Everyone would rather live in clean, tidy and attractive surroundin­gs, where they have the basic necessitie­s of life. We call this a healthy environmen­t. Is your environmen­t clean and healthy? Compose a checklist. Use it for yourself and for your friends. Take a walk with a friend around your community. In a notebook list clean as well as unhealthy practices/ habits that you have noticed. (You can recheck the list above.)

What can you do to help everyone in the community to keep their environmen­t clean and healthy?

Find these words in the wordsearch below: environmen­t, clean, tidy, overgrowth, rubbish, healthy, pests, mosquitoes, water, surroundin­gs, dead, practice, dirty, community

Until next week, goodbye Boys and Girls!

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Brian’s imaginary house
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