Stabroek News Sunday

Hungarians set to reject migrant quotas in boon for PM Orban


BUDAPEST (Reuters) - An overwhelmi­ng majority of Hungarians are expected to reject the European Union’s migrant quotas in a referendum today, which should boost Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s standing at home and embolden him in his battles with Brussels.

Orban, who has been in power since 2010, is among the toughest opponents of immigratio­n in the EU, and over the past year he has sealed Hungary’s southern borders with a razor-wire fence and thousands of army and police border patrols.

While last year hundreds of thousands of migrants fleeing war and poverty in the Middle East crossed Hungary on their way to richer countries in Western Europe, this year Hungary recorded around 18,000 illegal border crossings.

In a letter published in a daily newspaper yesterday, Orban again urged Hungarians to send a message to the EU that its migration policies were flawed and posed a threat to Europe’s security.

“We can send the message that it is only up to us, European citizens, whether we can jointly force the Union to come to its senses or let it destroy itself,” he wrote in the Magyar Idok.

Orban said the task in the next few months would be to prevent Brussels imposing rules that would forcefully settle migrants.

While Budapest says immigratio­n policy should be a matter of national sovereignt­y, human rights groups have criticised the government for stoking fears and xenophobia, and for mistreatin­g refugees on the border.

On Friday, around 1,500 people demonstrat­ed in Budapest against the referendum.

Orban’s hardline approach on migration has won allies in Central Europe. Eastern Europe’s ex-communist states, now in the EU, are opposing a policy that would require all EU countries to take in some of the hundreds of thousands of people seeking asylum in the bloc.

Opinion polls show support for a rejection of EU migrant quotas of more than 80 percent among those who say they will vote. But they indicate turnout might not necessaril­y top the 50 percent required for the poll to be valid.

Voting begins at 0400 GMT and closes at 1700 GMT. Preliminar­y results are expected after 1800 GMT.

Orban has linked mass immigratio­n from the Middle East to an increased risk of violent attacks in EU societies.

The strong anti-migrant rethoric has gone down well with many Hungarians at home, cementing his Fidesz party’s lead over the opposition.

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