Stabroek News Sunday

China killed CIA sources, hobbled US spying from 2010 to 2012 - NYT


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - China killed or imprisoned 18 to 20 CIA sources from 2010 to 2012, hobbling US spying operations in a massive intelligen­ce breach whose origin has not been identified, the New York Times reported yesterday.

Investigat­ors remain divided over whether there was a spy within the Central Intelligen­ce Agency who betrayed the sources or whether the Chinese hacked the CIA’s covert communicat­ions system, the newspaper reported, citing current and former US officials.

The Chinese killed at least a dozen people providing informatio­n to the CIA from 2010 through 2012, dismantlin­g a network that was years in the making, the newspaper reported.

One was shot and killed in front of a government building in China, three officials told the Times, saying that was designed as a message to others about working with Washington.

The breach was considered particular­ly damaging, with the number of assets lost rivalling those in the Soviet Union and Russia who perished after informatio­n passed to Moscow by spies Aldrich Ames and Robert Hanssen, the report said. Ames was active as a spy in the 1980s and Hanssen from 1979 to 2001.

The CIA declined to comment when asked about the Times report yesterday.

The Chinese activities began to emerge in 2010, when the American spy agency had been getting high quality informatio­n about the Chinese government from sources deep inside the bureaucrac­y, including Chinese upset by the Beijing government’s corruption, four former officials told the Times.

The informatio­n began to dry up by the end of the year and the sources began disappeari­ng in early 2011, the report said.

As more sources were killed the FBI and the CIA began a joint investigat­ion of the breach, examining all operations run in Beijing and every employee of the US Embassy there.

The investigat­ion ultimately centred on a former CIA operative who worked in a division overseeing China, the newspaper said, but there was not enough evidence to arrest him.

Some investigat­ors believed the Chinese had hacked the CIA’s covert communicat­ions system.

Still others thought the breach was a result of careless spy work including travelling the same routes to the same meeting points or meeting sources at restaurant­s where Chinese had planted listening devices, the newspaper said.

By 2013, US intelligen­ce concluded China’s ability to identify its agents had been curtailed, the newspaper said, and the CIA has been trying to rebuild its spy network there. OSLO (Reuters) - Norway is repairing the entrance of a ‘doomsday’ seed vault on an Arctic island after an unexpected thaw of permafrost let water into a building meant as a deep freeze to safeguard the world’s food supplies.

The water, limited to the 15 metre (50 ft) entrance hall in the melt late last year, had no impact on millions of seeds of crops including rice, maize, potatoes and wheat that are stored more than 110 metres inside the mountainsi­de.

Still, water was an unexpected problem for the vault on the Svalbard archipelag­o, about 1,000 km (620 miles) from the North Pole. It seeks to safeguard seeds from cataclysms such as nuclear war or disease in natural permafrost.

“Svalbard Global Seed Vault is facing technical improvemen­ts in connection with water intrusion,” Norwegian state constructi­on group Statsbygg, which built the vault that opened in 2008, said in a statement yesterday.

“The seeds in the seed vault have never been threatened.”

Spokeswoma­n Hege Njaa Aschim said Statsbygg had removed electrical equipment from the entrance - a source of heat - and was building waterproof walls inside and ditches outside to channel away any water.

The number of visitors would be reduced to limit human body heat, she said. Some of the water that flowed in re-froze and had to be chipped out by workers from the local fire service.

An underlying problem was that permafrost around the entrance of the vault, which had thawed from the heat of constructi­on a decade ago, has not re-frozen as predicted by scientists, Aschim said.

Temperatur­es in the Arctic region have been rising at twice the global average in a quickening trend that climate scientists blame on man-made greenhouse gases. Svalbard has sometimes had rain even in the depths of winter when the sun does not rise.

“There’s no doubt that the permafrost will remain in the mountainsi­de where the seeds are,” said Marie Haga, head of the Bonn-based Crop Trust that works with Norway to run the vault. “But we had not expected it to melt around the tunnel.”

Haga said the trust had so far raised just over $200 million towards an $850 million endowment fund to help safeguard seeds in collection­s around the globe. “That is an extremely cheap insurance policy for the world,” she said.

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