Stabroek News Sunday

Not just for the kitchen


Some of you may already be aware of these extraordin­ary uses for household staples, but there’s nothing wrong with a timely reminder and for those who don’t, enjoy finishing chores, making repairs, and cleaning messes in a breeze.

Vinegar treats athlete’s foot

Because vinegar is a potent disinfecta­nt, soaking your feet twice daily for ten minutes in one part vinegar and four parts water may help treat this fungal infection.

Oven cleaner refreshes a curling iron

Styling gel or conditione­r can cake onto curling irons, making them less efficient. Spray the iron (not plugged in) with a light coating of oven cleaner. Allow to sit for an hour. Wipe off with a damp rag and dry with a cloth for a curling iron that works like new.

Petroleum jelly prevents rust

Apply a thin layer to the surface in question (e.g., outdoor machinery, nuts and bolts, and chrome on bikes). The petroleum jelly will protect the metal from moisture and air, both of which encourage rust.

Dryer sheets dust

Television and PC screens are electrical­ly charged, which causes them to attract dust. Since the sheets are designed to reduce static cling, they’ll remove dust and prevent it from resettling for several days. Polish glass screens with the sheets after they’ve been in the dryer, for a softer texture.

Banana peel polishes silver

Finishing a banana just as you’re starting the weekend chores? Run the peel through the blender with a little water, and dab a washcloth in the paste to use as polish for your silver. (You’ll love the tropical smell!) Dip the piece in a water bath to wash off the paste.

Cooking water feeds the plants

Forget pouring the cooking water from boiled foods down the drain. As long as it’s not salted, your plants will be more than happy to drink it once it has cooled.

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