Stabroek News Sunday



Last week’s Answers Grammer houses, teeth, sopranos, leaves, babies. taxes, daisies, feet, cities, mangoes, loaves

Comprehens­ion 1)C 2)D

Hello boys and girls of Grade Six! This week we will begin to study another part of speech- the pronoun. Do you remember the definition of a noun? If not, you should re-read your notes before you begin the work on this page. You will also get ideas to write a descriptiv­e paragraph.


- Read and discuss the notes.

The Descriptiv­e Paragraph - A descriptiv­e paragraph gives a picture in words. It focuses on the

main impression or idea about a scene, an object or a person. - When you write a descriptiv­e paragraph, you need to use vivid and precise sensory words and phrases to help the readers “get picture.” - Descriptiv­e paragraphs allow the reader see,

and touch what you are describing. hear, smell, hear, taste

Describing People - When describing people you should consider the following: Outer Details- appearance, habits Inner Details- attitude, mood, opinions


A) Read the paragraph below carefully paying keen attention to the outer and inner details which are used in the paragraph. B) In about 120-150 words, write a compositio­n on “The Teacher I Admire Most in my Community”


Read the passage carefully then answer the questions which follow. Our netball captain is a girl of fine physique and pleasing personalit­y. She was chosen by all the girls of our school to be our leader. She is the very picture of health and is just the kind of person who commands attention. Erect in posture, graceful in movement and pleasant in manner, she is the model for girls to imitate. Her black hair and beady eyes, her sharp little nose and small mouth are not as noticeable as her pretty smile which attracts the attention of all. With ease she catches, passes and shoots the ball. Her sturdy build, long experience in the game, and her love for it make her the unique captain, whom all girls follow eagerly.

(Developing Skills in Compositio­n- Upper Primary Level)

Questions Read each question carefully. Draw a heavy black line through the letter (A, B, C or D) which is near the answer you choose.

1. Which is the topic sentence of the paragraph? A) With ease she catches, passes and shoots the ball. B) She was chosen by all the girls of our school to be leader? C) Our netball captain is a girl of fine physique and pleasing

personalit­y. D) Her sturdy build, long experience in the game, and her love for it

make her the unique captain, whom all girls follow eagerly.

2. According to the passage the phrase the girl looks A) healthy B) happy C) eager to play D) anxious to shoot the ball

3. What word is used in the passage to describe the netball captain‘s eyes? A) unique B) noticeable C) black D) beady

4. Which statement is A) She is pleasant. B) She is kind to everyone. C) She has a noticeable smile. D) She plays netball with ease.


‘picture of health’ means that

about the netball captain?

5. Which of the following is not about the netball captain? A) Her love for the game B) Her pleasing personalit­y. C) Her experience in the game D) Her sturdy build `

mentioned in the concluding sentence

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