Stabroek News Sunday

Best foods for athletes


They’re also a favourite post-workout recovery food, and for good reason: One medium banana contains 422 mg of potassium, which your body needs to regulate fluids and prevent muscle cramps and spasms. Because you sweat out potassium during physical activity, it’s important to replenish as soon as possible afterwards.

Oatmeal not instant oats…

A versatile breakfast staple, oatmeal is a great source of carbohydra­te energy for athletes, plus it’s high in fibre, which keeps you full longer and helps maintain glucose levels. In addition, it’s 100 percent whole grain, which may reduce the risk of heart disease.

Instant oats have a glycemic index of 83, compared to 55 for the regular oatmeal. This means that the instant option is more likely to cause an insulin spike, which will cause you to store all those carbs as flab.


Another athlete-friendly food that comes pre-wrapped is oranges. Oranges are rich in vitamin C to help with healing and boost the immune system. They’re also juicy and refreshing, which make them a great snack at halftime.

Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes aren’t called ‘sweet’ for nothing. When cooked, they have a buttery flavour that doesn’t need added sugar. The naturally occurring sugars in vegetables like sweet potatoes and beets are bundled with other nutrients and dietary fibres, which make them a healthier option than processed foods packed with added sugar. The fibre fills you up faster, which may help you avoid overindulg­ing.

You’re smart to eat sweet potatoes, and may get smarter still, since they’re full of vitamin B-6. This important vitamin is involved in the production of neurotrans­mitters, chemicals that help signals move from one brain cell to another. One study suggested that higher intakes of vitamin B-6 from food sources may play a role in maintainin­g mental health. Far from being a one-hit dietary wonder, vitamin B-6 also plays a crucial role in enzyme reactions involved in protein, carbohydra­te, and fat metabolism.

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