Stabroek News Sunday

Pakistan’s Khan in coalition talks with small party, independen­ts


ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Pakistan’s likely new Prime Minister Imran Khan opened coalition talks with at least one smaller party and independen­t politician­s on Saturday, a spokesman said, after the announceme­nt of full results of an election disputed by rivals.

Khan’s party did better than expected to scoop up 16.86 million votes, trouncing the party of jailed former premier Nawaz Sharif, which finished second with 12.89 million and said on Saturday that a party member had been killed.

But the 116 seats won by Khan’s lawmakers were not enough to give him a majority in the 272-seat National Assembly without coalition partners, and he has ruled out both of the other two major parties, calling them corrupt.

Officials from Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), or Pakistan Movement for Justice, party said they were in talks with independen­ts and at least one other political party to form a coalition government.

The poll has been marred by long delays in counting and complaints of rigging by the Pakistan Muslim LeagueNawa­z (PML-N) party. Some of the smaller religious parties are threatenin­g street protests if the poll is not re-run.

PML-N leader Shehbaz Sharif said on Saturday that he was “outraged” by the killing of a party member in the northern city of Mansehra and that demanding a recount was a party’s legal right. He did not specify when the party member was killed.

“PML-N is a peaceful national political party and fear & intimidati­on can’t suppress our rights,” Sharif tweeted.

Khan has offered to investigat­e any claims of irregulari­ties in the wake of Wednesday’s poll, which Sharif’s PML-N and several other parties allege was skewed in favor of the former cricket hero by Pakistan’s powerful military.

European Union observers were critical of the political climate in the run up to the vote, saying that some parties had been disadvanta­ged. In their preliminar­y findings, the observers said the electoral process was “not as good” as the 2013 election and campaign week featured a “lack of equality” that meant it was not a level playing field for all parties. The United States voiced similar concerns.

Khan’s 116 seats puts him short of the 137 required for an assembly majority, meaning he is likely to need a coalition with religious parties and independen­ts to form a government.

Two newly formed small parties are seen as being open to an alliance with Khan’s PTI.

The Grand Democratic Alliance (GDA), a new alliance in Sindh province, has two seats.

The Balochista­n Awami Party (BAP), another new group formed by a number of seasoned political names from the southweste­rly Baluchista­n province, picked up four seats.

The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) on Saturday released results for 270 seats, with elections in two seats postponed. Several were being recounted.

The coalition arithmetic is slightly complicate­d by the fact that a further 70 seats, most reserved for women and members of non-Muslim minorities, are allocated to parties on the basis of their performanc­e in the contested constituen­cies. Once those seats are added in, any coalition will need at least 172 seats. LONDON (Reuters) - Italy’s far-right interior minister, Matteo Salvini, has accused the European Union of trying to cheat Britain out of the Brexit it voted for, according to extracts from a newspaper interview published late on Saturday.

“There is no objectivit­y or good faith from the European side,” Salvini was quoted as saying in an interview with Britain’s Sunday Times newspaper.

“My experience in the European parliament tells me you either impose yourself or they swindle you,” he added.

Britain is due to leave the EU on March 29 next year, and Prime Minister Theresa May is struggling to agree a long-term trading relationsh­ip with the bloc or to finalize a transition­al deal to cover the period immediatel­y after Britain leaves.

Salvini told May to stick to her principles and be prepared to walk away from the bloc without a deal - something many businesses fear could lead to chaos.

“On some principles there is no need to be flexible and you should not go backwards,” he said.

Separately, the newspaper cited an unnamed government minister as saying that Britain’s army would be ready to deliver food and medicine if there were delays at ports after Brexit.

“There is a lot of civil contingenc­y planning around the prospect of no deal. That’s not frightenin­g the horses, that’s just being utterly realistic,” the minister said.

Supermarke­ts, including Germanowne­d Aldi, were also asking some suppliers to hold extra stocks of goods such as tea and coffee, the newspaper reported, citing a supplier.

Salvini has long had a hostile attitude to the EU, and has blamed the euro for Italy’s prolonged economic malaise and said he expected it to collapse.

More recently, he has pressed other EU countries to take more of the African migrants who try to land on Italy’s shores.

 ??  ?? Imran Khan
Imran Khan

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