Stabroek News Sunday

Grade Six Science


Hello Boys and Girls,

I hope that you are well and continuing to keep safe. We cannot overemphas­ize the importance of social distancing, washing your hands frequently and thoroughly, not touching your face and staying away from persons who are sneezing and coughing. Remember, too, that you should stay at home as far as possible.

When will we be celebratin­g our country’s independen­ce? How many years is it since Guyana became an independen­t nation? Name the symbols of nationhood.

This week we will do some revision but first, let us look at the answers to last week’s questions.

1. A 2. D 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. B 7. B 8. B

*Answer option erroneousl­y stated coconut milk instead of coconut husk Rate yourselves from your results. I hope you did really well.

Let’s revise the big topic, Plants.

Look around you at all the different kinds of plants. Beautiful, aren’t they? Plants are living things. How do you know?

Can they respire? Reproduce? Excrete?

Can you name the other characteri­stics of living things? These characteri­stics show that plants are living things.

How can plants be classified? In the plant kingdom, plants can be grouped as those with seeds and those without seeds.

Plants with seeds can be divided as flowering and non-flowering plants.

Give examples:

9. D (stone, plum seed, coconut husk*) 10. B

11. C


13. C

14. C

15. C

Flowering plants can be further grouped into monocotyle­donous and dicotyledo­nous. These plants can be identified according to their leaves, flowers, roots, stems and seeds. Give examples:

The mains parts of the flowers are the _________________, __________________, _________________ and ___________________.

Explain the functions of each part.

Which part serves to anchor the plant?

Which part makes food for the plant?

The __________________ transports water and nutrients to the different parts of the plant.

The flower is basically the reproducti­ve organ of the plant. Let’s name the parts of the flower.

Group these parts:

What is the function of the

Petals: ………………………………………………………………

Sepals: ………………………………………………………………

Style: ……………………………………………………….............

Stigma: …………………………………………………………… ..

Stamen: ………………………………………………………………… .

Questions 1 and 2 are based on the following diagram. 1.

When plants develop from stage A to stage D this is known as (a) a cycle.

(b) germinatio­n.

(c) pollinatio­n.

(d) gardening.

One plant which does not go through these four stages is the (a) orange.

(b) mango.

(c) fern.

(d) ackee.

When you cut ripe fruits open, you will always observe (a) juice.

(b) seeds.

(c) flowers.

(d) pulp.

Plant pots usually have holes in the bottom so that (a) air can enter the soil.

(b) water can drain away.

(c) the roots can grow out.

(d) worms can enter the soil.

Until next week, goodbye Boys and girls, and be safe.

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