Stabroek News Sunday

Grade Six Mathematic­s


List B: astute, awkward, inappropri­ate, sane, oblivious, sophistica­ted, acquired, impulsive, sober, build.

1. It was ________ of him to pay for the cycle, not collect a receipt, and hope that it would be delivered safely; however, as he grew older he became more ________, and made sure he wasn’t taken for a ride.

2. Some of our instincts are ________, part of our genetic makeup, but others are conditione­d by society and ___________ as we are growing up.

3. In advising her about her diet the doctor was ——————of her poverty, but all too often doctors are __________ to the living situation of their patients.

4. What a contrast! The little girl in the crowd was so ___________ as she ran gleefully into her dad’s waiting arms while the child modelling fashions on the stage seemed so ________ as she strutted proudly in front of the applauding fans.

5. His wild, staring eyes and frenzied waving of his arms told us clearly that he was ________, but after a month of treatment from his psychiatri­st he was completely ________ again. 6. The City Council will need to completely ________ these old buildings before they can ________ a new block of flats.

7. If a person has been drinking alcohol, his behaviour may well be ________, making you think he is crazy, but when he is ________ again, you will see a totally different person.

8. Jeans and T-shirt are quite ________ for a trip to the creek, but they are totally ____________ if you are going for a job interview.

9. A zip at the side of your skirt is very __________ as you can reach it easily, but sometimes a zip at the back of a dress is rather __________, and you need help to get it fastened—especially if the dress is tight.

10. A __________ person will say, “Look before you leap” while a person who is ——————-will say, “He who hesitates is lost.”


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