Stabroek News Sunday

Thai boxing matches resume after lockdown, but audiences stay home


BANGKOK, (Reuters) - Thai boxing matches resumed yesterday after more than three months as the nation eases its coronaviru­s lockdown, but fans of the popular sport will have to make do with watching on television for now.

Leaders of the sport hailed the return to the ring after the shutdown, which left hundreds of boxers and referees without work, and said they hoped spectators would be allowed to attend matches again soon.

“I’m very happy and excited to get back to the ring ... But I feel a bit strange. I was used to the sounds of crowds cheering, but there’s no audience,” said Khathawut Tumthong, a 21-year-old boxer.

Thailand’s government has eased most curbs to try to revive an economy badly hit by the pandemic, with sports competitio­ns among the latest activities to resume. No local transmissi­ons of the virus have been reported for 40 days.

However, authoritie­s have yet to issue rules on when and how audiences will be allowed at sports venues. In March, a spike in virus cases was linked to a boxing match in Bangkok.

“Today is a good start for the boxing industry,” said Viboon Jampa-nguern, head of Thailand’s boxing committee.

“Boxers are in jeopardy, they don’t have alternativ­e jobs. The same goes for those who work as boxing referees, they don’t have second jobs to support them,” he said.

Thailand’s tourism-driven economy could contract a record 8.1% this year, with the number of foreign tourists expected to tumble 80%, the central bank has forecast.

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