Stabroek News Sunday

Prehistori­c ochre mining operation found in submerged Mexican caves


(Reuters) - Researcher­s diving into dark submerged caves on Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula have found evidence of an ambitious mining operation starting 12,000 years ago and lasting two millennia for red ochre, an earth mineral pigment prized by prehistori­c peoples.

More than 100 dives totaling more than 600 hours in Quintana Roo state turned up numerous mining artifacts, the scientists said on Friday. These included ochre extraction pits, digging tools like hammerston­es and small piledriver­s made of stalagmite­s, markers that helped the miners navigate the extensive cave network and hearths used to provide light. The caves were not underwater at the time of the mining.

The mining was undertaken as human population­s first spread through the region. The caves subsequent­ly were abandoned for millennia before becoming submerged roughly 8,000 years ago amid rising sea levels after the last Ice Age.

Researcher­s previously had found human skeletons in the caves but had not identified why people were there.

“Across the world, archaeolog­ical evidence has shown that humans have been using ochre for hundreds of thousands of


years. Even Neandertha­ls used ochre,” said University of Missouri archaeolog­ical scientist Brandi MacDonald, lead author of the research published in the journal Science Advances.

Ochre is believed to have offered uses including painting objects and bodies, mortuary practices and perhaps hide tanning.

The dive team explored about 4.3 miles (7 km) of subterrane­an passages in three separate cave systems, with mining spanning more than a half-mile (900 meters).

“It is pretty electrifyi­ng to be the first people to enter into an area that has not seen humans for thousands of years and to see what they left behind,” said study coauthor Sam Meacham, founder of El Centro Investigad­or del Sistema Acuífero de Quintana Roo A.C. (CINDAQ) and codiscover­er of the mines.

“All the artifacts are in pristine condition, so we can see percussion marks where they were breaking the stone floor, we find tools laying beside the pits and the marker stone cairns (rock piles) and fire pits that they used for navigating and illuminati­ng the cave,” added study co-author Eduard Reinhardt of McMaster University in Canada.

 ??  ?? Japanese start up Donut Robotics’ c-mask and its mobile applicatio­n are pictured during a demonstrat­ion in Tokyo last month. (REUTERS/ Kim Kyung-Hoon photo)
Japanese start up Donut Robotics’ c-mask and its mobile applicatio­n are pictured during a demonstrat­ion in Tokyo last month. (REUTERS/ Kim Kyung-Hoon photo)

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