Stabroek News Sunday


- By Dr Joyce Jonas

Hello there! Today we have a practice multiple choice test for you, and, as always, we have some exercises to keep you on your toes. Enjoy working through today’s CSEC English!


Read this passage carefully, and then answer the multiple-choice questions that follow.

I’m hungry. What you got to eat, Mama? Go on and get started on your chores. I got some meatloaf in there. Go on and make you a sandwich…and don’t leave no mess in there. (Cory exits into the house. Rose continues to take down the clothes. Troy enters the yard and sneaks up and grabs her from behind.)




Go on, now. You liked to scared me to death. What was the score of the game? Lucille had me on the phone and I couldn’t keep up with it.

What I care about the game? Come here, woman. kiss her.)

I thought you went down Taylors’ to listen to the game. Go on, You supposed to be putting up this fence.

(Attempting to kiss her again.) I’ll put it up when I finish with what is at hand.

Go on, Troy. I ain’t studying you.

(Chasing after her.) I’m studying you…fixing to do my home work!

Troy, you better leave me alone.

Where’s Cory? That boy brought his butt home yet?

He’s in the house doing his chores.

(Calling.) Cory! Get your butt out here, boy!

(Rose exits into the house with the laundry. Troy goes over to the pile of wood, picks up a board, and starts sawing. Cory enters from the house.)

Excerpted from FENCES by August Wilson

The action takes place in (A) a carpenter’s workshop. (C) a backyard.

Towards Cory, Rose is

(A) affectiona­te but annoyed.

(B) protective but firm.

(C) motherly and indulgent.

(D) quarrelsom­e and fault-finding

Rose does not let Troy kiss her because

(A) she is angry with him for sneaking up and grabbing her. (B) she has work to do, and so does he.

(C) she doesn’t want Cory to see them kissing.

(D) she doesn’t like him in that way.

When Troy says, ‘ What I care about the game?’, we understand that (A) he went by the Taylors to avoid working on the fence, but doesn’t

really like sport.

(B) his team lost, so he doesn’t want to talk about the game.

(C) he wants Rose to think that he would rather be with her than at the

Taylors’ place.

(D) he is implying that being with Rose is much more exciting than

listening to a game on the radio.

With Rose, Troy is

(A) inconsider­ate and abusive. (C) abusive and irresponsi­ble. (He tries to 6. 7. 9. 10.

When Troy says ‘I’m…fixing to do my homework, we understand that (A) he is serious about his academic studies.

(B) he is planning to give Cory a beating.

(C) he intends to complete the work on the fence.

(D) he is looking forward to making love to Rose.

Conflict in the scene is MOST evident in

(A) the relationsh­ip between Cory and Troy.

(B) Troy’s struggle between enjoying the game with his friends and

getting on with building the fence.

(C) Rose’s struggle between doing her laundry and getting romantic

with Troy.

(D) Rose’s attempt to protect her son from his father.

The mood in the action changes when

(A) Rose reminds Troy about putting up the fence.

(B) Troy chases Rose.

(C) Troy mentions Cory.

(D) Rose realises that Troy had lied about going to the Taylors’ place.

Suspense is created with Cory’s coming back into the yard because (A) Troy will probably make him help with the fence.

(B) We already know that Troy is annoyed with him.

(C) Rose lied about Cory doing his chores.

(D) Cory probably left a mess when he had his meal.

Troy’s line ‘I’m studying you…fixing to do my homework’ is an example of

(A) a pun.

(C) allusion.

This excerpt makes use of these dramatic devices: (A) lighting and contrast

(B) suspense and sound effects

(C) props and dramatic irony

(D) movement and humorous wordplay.

The play goes on to show Troy having an extra-marital affair. Which of the following are being used symbolical­ly in this scene?

(A) Cory’s hunger and the reference to meatloaf.

(B) The unfinished fence and the game Troy has just returned from.

(C) Rose’s laundry and the saw.

(D) The action of sawing and Rose’s lie about Cory doing his chores.


(B) a metaphor. (D) hyperbole.

Can you spot the mistakes in these sentences?

1. We will meet you their at seven o’clock if it has stoped raining.

2. Don’t give me any of the curry if its hot; I rather the chow mein.

3. Less people can afford to own a house these days; some can hardly afford

to buy new cloths.

4. The principle of our school ordered some stationary with the school

badge and motto printed on it.

5. Last month a man was hung in Georgetown; everyone in the street

outside the jail kept very quite until it was all over.

6. The reason I can’t come is because I don’t want to loose marks in the test

tomorrow so I’ve got to study.

7. He didn’t tell me weather he would be coming tomorrow, but between

you and I it seems unlikely.

8. Myself and brother were there when the President’s car past.

9. How long have you been laying here in the hammock? I hope you’re not

going to say you have too much chores to do!

10.Tom is much more stronger than he was last week: I think he’s going to

be alright now dont you?

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