Stabroek News Sunday

The PPP/C government is demonstrat­ing on the same side with Exxon against the people of Guyana

- Dear Editor, Sincerely, Dr. Jerry Jailall Advocate for Transparen­t and Accountabl­e Governance

Judge Sandil Kissoon delivered a landmark “Environmen­tal Protection” decision in Guyana’s favour that Exxon/EEPGL must have unlimited insurance and fulfill all requiremen­ts of its permits when drilling for oil. The Government should be ecstatic that the Court has ruled in favour of our country and its people against a large, rapacious corporate giant, whom the PPP Government says we should fear or else they will hire expensive lawyers and tie us up in court. Instead of being happy with the Judge’s decision, the AG rushed like Usain Bolt to issue a press release announcing the PPP government will appeal. While Exxon said it is reviewing the court ruling, our Government says it is appealing (“Exxon ‘reviewing’ court ruling on insurance, SN, May 6, 2023). No wonder the VP could not answer when Glenn Lall had asked him, “Do you want Glenn Lall to win the tax case.”

But Exxon don’t have to do anything because our VP has their backs, acting as their loyal golden retriever on a leash. The VP held a press conference the next day saying “The Judiciary is treading on murky waters when you start directing a regulatory agency how to do its own job,” and that “our economic nationalis­m will not hold water in the new dispensati­on.” Nation, can you believe that? It was not Exxon/EEPGL that came out swinging against the Judge’s well-reasoned, fair decision. It was our own Government, behaving like Exxon’s puppets calling out the Judge for ruling in the People of

Guyana’s favour! Whose side is the VP on? Why is it the VP always sounds like the Lead Defence Counsel and PR man for Exxon? If our VP and AG are standing up for Exxon’s interests, then who is left to stand up for Guyana? That’s why Glenn Lall, Melinda, Fred, Simone, OGGN, OWOC, Transparen­cy, Red Thread, SN and others have to do it.

Guyana seems unlucky to have leaders who seem willing to betray our nation. Does the Government not want us to have the strongest environmen­tal protection in Guyana and the CARICOM region? Does this border on treason against the nation? This is so sad this is the kind of leadership we have in oil and gas. (“Govt. to appeal High Court decision ordering Exxon to provide unlimited insurance to Guyana,” KN, May 4, 2023). Contrary to what the Judge ruled, the AG’s statement said, “The EPA and the Government of Guyana are of the considered view that the Environmen­tal Permit imposes no obligation on the Permit Holder to provide an unlimited Parent Company Guarantee Agreement and/or Affiliate Company Guarantee Agreement. In this regard, we hold the respectful opinion that the Learned Judge fell into error in his findings. This ruling can have profound ramificati­ons and grave economic and other impacts on the public interest and national developmen­t. As a result, the decision of the Learned Judge will be appealed and orders will be sought to stay its effect until the hearing and determinat­ion of the appeal.”

Yet again, the PPP Government is demonstrat­ing it is on the same side with

Exxon and the PNC against the People of Guyana. The Judge’s decision is a leverage point for Guyana to get more concession­s from Exxon. Cheddi must be turning in his grave to see what the party of Jagan has become today – pro-capitalist, proimperia­list, pro-big business, anti-nationalis­t, anti-economic nationalis­m, and antiworkin­g class. But this is the party that accused the PNC/AFC for selling us out in signing a bad oil contract that gives us only a 2% royalty. This is the same party that said during the elections that “everything” is up for review and renegotiat­ion. Now, safely ensconced in power, and handling mega billions of dollars in contracts, the PPP Government says it will not renegotiat­e.

It sets out to demonize all those who are pressing for renegotiat­ion, calling them madmen and other derogatory names, mocking at them, with their surrogates pouncing on people on social media who support renegotiat­ion. Now, the Judge’s decision has vindicated the work of all the renegotiat­ion and environmen­tal protection advocates. The “usual suspects” have had the last laugh. This is a major victory, going forward. All the people of Guyana must now join this cause and call for the Government to renegotiat­e. It’s not about shutting down oil, as the Government propaganda will have it. It’s about Guyana getting a better deal from our oil, gold, bauxite, stone, sand, and all natural resources. Guyanese must get the bulk of our oil wealth while investors get a fair return. Our people have been too destitute for too long, and we cannot wait anymore to enjoy the good life, now that we have oil.

Our Guyanese lawyers are scared to take cases against Exxon. Many hope to get in on the oil gravy train, and would not go near those lawyers fighting for Guyana in the oil-related cases. Luckily, our courageous Trinidadia­n brother Senior Counsel Seenath Jairam is willing to come fight for us. Shame on our local lawyers without backbones, whose studies were partly supported by our tax dollars. What will you tell your children when they ask you, “Mommy/Daddy, where were you when the oil companies were taking advantage of Guyana?” Wake up Guyana! It’s our wealth and our country! Guyana First! Please join Ray Daggers, Glenn Lall, and others marching from Crabwood Creek to Essequibo calling for renegotiat­ion of the oil contracts. Stand up for Guyana, because the PPP Government will not! The VP said economic nationalis­m is bad for Guyana.

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