Stabroek News Sunday

A stress-less Christmas is entirely possible


I know many of us sisters are getting anxious. Why? Christmas is just 30 days away. Yes, you read right, Christmas is less than a month away. While some are way ahead with their preparatio­ns, some of us are trying to figure out how and when to start. Others are getting tired just thinking about the cleaning before the actual preparatio­n.

I don’t know if it is just a Guyanese thing, but we really do put ourselves under a lot of pressure year in year out. For what? It does not matter that we are reminded that Christmas is about giving and sharing and rememberin­g the sacrifice Jesus Christ made to come to this earth as a baby before ultimately giving his life for us, we still spend too much energy ‘making the house look nice’.

Today is the first of four Sundays before Christmas, make it count. Remember to take it easy to ensure that there are no anxiety attacks.

Four years ago, on December 22nd 2019, I published the piece below that is still very apt today.

“Sometimes I want to do so much, and it just gets to me. Right now, I feel so overwhelme­d, honestly,” she said, and her facial expression illustrate­d just what she was describing.

“There are times when I wonder if I am supposed to be superwoman or maybe I want to be superwoman because in my head there is a lot I feel I need to do to have a perfect Christmas,” were the words of yet another sister.

“Right now, my house is a confusion and I don’t even know where to start. Every year I keep saying that I would not let this happen next year and then next year comes and the very thing happens. Tell me, why would I do this to myself?” she did not expect an answer to this question.

I spoke with different sisters about the ‘jolly season’ and from their words there was nothing jolly about preparing for December 25, which is just three days away.

Women can get busy around this time of the year, so I decided to just ask a few of my sisters how they are dealing with pressures of preparing for the big day. I say ‘big day’ as opposed to Christmas season because many times Guyanese are caught up with preparing for December 25 and so on the eve of that day, they are doing heavy-duty preparatio­n. When the day finally comes, they (mostly women) are so tired and worn out that they are unable to enjoy it. The rest of the holiday passes them in a blur as they try to regroup from the hectic work they were involved in.

But not all the sisters I spoke to said that it was stress season for them.

“Girl, I make sure I not getting caught up in the mad rush. My curtains and everything already up and I just relaxing, I don’t want no stress,” one told me more than a week before Christmas day.

“I am really not doing much this year and I am finished, once the children get their gifts and I have food that is good for me,” another said.

I know a sister who just loves Christmas and being around her, one cannot help getting caught up in the season. It is never tiring for her and she always has time to give tips about decorating and gift ideas (she even wraps your gifts!). For her, Christmas is indeed “the most wonderful time of the year” as the song says.

But most of my sisters (and I must add me to a certain extent) were/are caught up in the last-minute preparatio­ns after ‘breaking up the house’ and fixing it back in a different style so it can look brand new for Christmas.

“I don’t know why we do this to ourselves. I mean I am telling you; I literally lose pounds leading up for Christmas, working so hard, trying to get everything done, not eating properly and just going, going all the time and then it is like I get sick after it all done,” a friend told me.

I agreed with her fully because many times I have to check myself because I get so carried away, not thinking about my stress level until it is too late.

“It is like what is supposed to be a happy period becomes depressing because the money finishing and you still not getting all you think you need for the season and then you wonder if you overspend, it can be just crazy,” my friend continued.

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 ?? ?? Let’s work on ensuring we enjoy the season in a relaxed mode as seen exhibited by the cat and dog in the above sketch.
Let’s work on ensuring we enjoy the season in a relaxed mode as seen exhibited by the cat and dog in the above sketch.

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