Stabroek News Sunday

Germany investigat­es eavesdropp­ing on officers after Russian media play recording


FRANKFURT, (Reuters) - Germany said yesterday it was investigat­ing an apparent eavesdropp­ing of a call, after Moscow said a recording of German officers showed them discussing weapons for Ukraine and a potential strike by Kiev on a bridge in Crimea.

A German defence ministry spokespers­on said on Saturday the Federal Office for Military Counterint­elligence was investigat­ing what appeared to be a case of eavesdropp­ing, and that it was possible that the recording had been altered.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz, speaking on a visit to Rome, called the potential leak "very serious" and said it was "now being clarified very carefully, very intensivel­y and very quickly".

Margarita Simonyan, a Russian state TV journalist and the head of Russia Today, posted the audio on her Telegram channel, and said it revealed German officers "discussing how to strike the Crimea bridge", which links Russia to the Ukrainian peninsula it seized and annexed in 2014.

Reuters listened to the 38-minute recording but could not independen­tly confirm its authentici­ty.

Participan­ts in the call discuss the possible delivery of Taurus cruise missiles to Kyiv, which Scholz has publicly so far firmly rejected. They also talk about the training of Ukrainian soldiers, and possible military targets. Scholz, speaking on a visit to Rome, told journalist­s the potential leak was "very serious".

"That is why it is now being clarified very carefully, very intensivel­y and very quickly. That is also necessary," he said.

Russia's embassy in Berlin did not respond to an emailed request for comment on Saturday about allegation­s of possible spying. A Russian foreign ministry spokespers­on said on social media on Friday: "We demand an explanatio­n from Germany", without detailing its particular concerns.

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