Stabroek News Sunday

PM hails ties with Dominican Republic


Prime Minister Mark Phillips, performing the functions of President, on Friday conveyed Guyana’s appreciati­on for the growing alliance between this country and the Dominican Republic (DR), lauding the strides made in bilateral ties over the past two years.

The Prime Minister was at the time delivering remarks at a reception hosted by DR’s Ambassador to Guyana, Ernesto Torres Pereyra, to commemorat­e his country’s 180th Independen­ce Anniversar­y.

Prime Minister Phillips during his remarks at the event at the Pegasus Suites and Corporate Centre, said that the tangible outcomes of cooperatio­n between the two nations “have created the mechanism for effective implementa­tion of the several programmes and projects envisioned by the our leaders.”

“For our [Guyana] part, we are committed to working with the Dominican Republic to give impetus to the several working groups that will serve to advance the programme of the cooperatio­n.”

According to a release from his office, Phillips emphasised the significan­ce of people-to-people interactio­ns in promoting mutual understand­ing and cultural exchange between the two nations. He also mentioned that the launch of flights between Santo Domingo and Georgetown would be a crucial step in enhancing trade and tourism prospects.

“The Dominican Republic is now a solid partner in Guyana’s quest for progressiv­e developmen­t, and our Government is committed to further cementing the ties that unite our two countries and peoples”, he said.

Guyana and the Dominican Republic establishe­d bilateral relations in October 1970.

 ?? ?? Prime Minister Mark Phillips (fifth from left) at the reception (Office of the Prime Minister photo)
Prime Minister Mark Phillips (fifth from left) at the reception (Office of the Prime Minister photo)

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