Stabroek News Sunday

Health Ministry receives 4000 Dignity Kits


On Friday, the Ministry of Health received 4000 Dignity Kits courtesy of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) SubRegiona­l Office for the Caribbean in collaborat­ion with the Canadian Government.

Valued at US$70,000, a release from the Ministry of Health said that this donation marks a key step towards enhancing menstrual hygiene programmes, particular­ly for adolescent girls, across the country.

Minister of Health Dr Frank Anthony emphasised the importance of the donation in supporting the ministry’s ongoing efforts to promote menstrual hygiene. He highlighte­d the challenges faced by young women in accessing essential hygiene products in some communitie­s and the impact the Dignity Kits will have in addressing such issues.

“Within the ministry, there is a programme dedicated to menstrual hygiene, and this donations will certainly augment that programme. In some communitie­s in our country, young women have difficulti­es accessing these products, and therefore, this will work effectivel­y”, the Minister said.

The partnershi­p between UNFPA and the Canadian Government underlined their commitment to supporting initiative­s that promote the health and well-being of adolescent­s, particular­ly in addressing menstrual hygiene needs.

The ceremony was attended by Dr Ertenisa Hamilton, the Director of Family and Primary Health Care Services; Cilandell Glen, Adolescent Health Coordinato­r; Elizabeth Arnold, Talbert Director-Representa­tive of UNFPA; Tariq Williams, Senior Internatio­nal Assistance Officer; Adam Loyer, Head of Cooperatio­n at Global Affairs Canada; Batula Abdi, Sexual Reproducti­ve Health Technical Advisor attached to UNFPA and Adler Bynoe, Liaison Officer also attached to UNFPA.

 ?? ?? Officials at the handing over (Ministry of Health photo)
Officials at the handing over (Ministry of Health photo)

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