Stabroek News

Young driver dies after Greenwich Park crash


A young driver is now dead after he lost control of his vehicle and slammed into a parked trailer along the Greenwich Park, East Bank Essequibo road yesterday morning.

Dead is Budhram “Sanjeev” Jainaught, 23, of Lot 5 Unity, East Bank Essequibo.

The accident reportedly occurred between 10 and 11 am yesterday.

Acting Divisional Commander of ‘D’ Division Leslie James told Stabroek News that Jainaught suddenly lost control of his vehicle and slammed into the parked trailer on the road shoulder.

He said that investigat­ions are still ongoing to determine the cause of the accident.

A woman, who was near the scene when the accident occurred, said she heard an impact and later discovered that Jainaught’s car had crashed into the trailer.

She added that public-spirited persons rushed the young man, who was unconsciou­s, and his female passenger to the Leonora Cottage Hospital for treatment. Jainaught, she said, was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital.

The deceased’s father, Jainaught (only name) last night told Stabroek News that a friend of the family was passing when the accident occurred and he called out to residents for help. He went on the say the man used his vehicle to transport his son to the hospital.

He explained from what he was told a woman ran across the road, which resulted in his son swerving to avoid her. When he swerved, the father said, the vehicle spun several times before slamming into the trailer. The rear of the vehicle was smashed in as a result of the crash.

According to the father, because of the impact, his son suffered extensive head injuries. He opined that if the trailer were not parked on the road, the fatally could have been avoided.

 ??  ?? Budhram Jainaught
Budhram Jainaught

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