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Seattle judge blocks Trump immigratio­n order


SEATTLE/BOSTON, (Reuters) - A federal judge in Seattle yesterday put a nationwide block on U.S. President Donald Trump’s week-old executive order barring nationals from seven countries from entering the United States.

The judge’s temporary restrainin­g order represents a major challenge to Trump’s action, although his administra­tion could still appeal the ruling and have the policy upheld.

The Seattle judge, James Robart, made his ruling effective immediatel­y yesterday, suggesting that travel restrictio­ns could be lifted straight away.

“It’s a wonderful day for the rule of law in this country,” said Washington state solicitor general Noah Purcell.

The state’s attorney general, Bob Ferguson, said: “This decision shuts down the executive order right now.” He said he expected the federal government to honour the ruling.

The new Republican president’s order signed on Jan. 27 triggered chaos at U.S. airports last weekend. Some travelers abroad were turned back from flights into the United States, crowds of hundreds of people packed into arrival areas to protest and legal objections were filed across the country.

The challenge was brought by the state of Washington and later joined by the state of Minnesota. The Seattle judge ruled that the states have legal standing to sue, which could help Democratic attorneys general take on Trump in court on issues beyond immigratio­n.

The decision came on a day that attorneys from four states were in courts challengin­g Trump’s executive order. The Trump administra­tion justified the action on national security grounds, but opponents labeled it an unconstitu­tional order targeting people based on religious beliefs.

Earlier on Friday, a federal judge in Boston declined to extend a temporary restrainin­g order that allowed some immigrants into the United States from countries affected by Trump’s threemonth ban.

Also on Friday in Virginia, a federal judge ordered the White House to provide a list of all people stopped from entering the United States by the travel ban.

The State Department said on Friday that fewer than 60,000 visas previously issued to citizens of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen had been invalidate­d as a result of the order. That disclosure followed media reports that government lawyers were citing a figure of 100,000.

 ??  ?? James Robart
James Robart

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