Stabroek News

U.S. to grant final permit for controvers­ial Dakota pipeline -court filing


WASHINGTON/HOUSTON, (Reuters) - The U.S. Army will grant the final permit for the controvers­ial Dakota Access oil pipeline after an order from President Donald Trump to expedite the project, despite opposition from Native American tribes and climate activists.

The protest against the $3.8 billion pipeline drew thousands of people to the North Dakota plains last year and attracted high-profile political and celebrity support.

The administra­tion of former President Barack Obama delayed completion of the line pending a review of tribal concerns and last year ordered an environmen­tal study.

But in a Tuesday filing in U.S. District Court in Washington D.C., the U.S. Army, which oversees the Corps of Engineers in charge of permits for the project, said it would cancel the study and grant the final permit to tunnel under Lake Oahe, a reservoir that is part of the Missouri River, allowing completion of the line.

The permit could come in a day, according to the filing.

The Standing Rock Sioux, whose reservatio­n is adjacent to the line’s route, will challenge the decision, the tribe said in a statement.

If the line was completed, the tribe would “seek to shut the pipeline operations down,” and the environmen­tal study was “wrongfully terminated,” it said. The Standing Rock Sioux had said the line would desecrate sacred sites and potentiall­y pollute the tribe’s water source.

Energy Transfer Partners is building the 1,170mile (1,885 km) line to pump crude from the shale oilfields of North Dakota to the Gulf of Mexico, where many U.S. refineries are located.

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