Stabroek News

An interview with the Minister of Public Infrastruc­ture


therefor. Should the procuring entity decide that a supplier or contractor does not satisfy the prequalifi­cation requiremen­ts, the supplier or contractor may, upon request, obtain a review of that decision pursuant to Part VII dealing with bid protests.

In the said article, we had stated that the feasibilit­y study recommende­d a lowlevel bridge instead of a fixed high-level one considered the best option in a 2013 pre-feasibilit­y study. The former will still require daily closing and opening to allow ships to pass, resulting in a build-up of traffic and hence the dreaded traffic congestion that we are experienci­ng daily on the East Bank. We raised the issue as to whether the problem being experience­d with the operations of the current bridge is not being transferre­d closer to the city, and suggested that if funding is not available to construct a fixed highlevel bridge, it stands to reason that we should delay the constructi­on until we are able to garner the necessary funds.

Clarificat­ions by the Minister Asked whether he had any comments on our assessment and conclusion regarding the engagement of Lievense CSO, the Minister stated that he was happy that there was no violation of the Procuremen­t Act, despite criticisms to the effect that the Ministry should have re-tendered for the conduct of the feasibilit­y study.

The Minister, acknowledg­ed our concern about the proposal to restrict the number of contractor­s submitting tenders for the constructi­on of the Bridge following an invitation to prequalify. He indicated that the Ministry was in dialogue with the National Procuremen­t and Tender Administra­tion Board and the Public Procuremen­t Commission with a view to advising on the way forward. One considerat­ion is to revisit the pre-qualificat­ion criteria and agree on a minimum revised score above which a contractor becomes eligible to submit a tender. The overall objective is to reduce the administra­tive burden that is associated with the evaluation of a large number of tenders.

Demonstrat­ing through a computeriz­ed simulation model, the Minister clarified that the Bridge will neither be a floating one nor a flat one. Rather, it will be a permanent structure with a height of 17.5 meters. At this height, approximat­ely 90% of the riverain traffic will traverse the Demerara River without the need to disrupt the operations of the Bridge. To cater for the remaining 10% of the riverain traffic, there will be a section of the Bridge that will be lifted hydraulica­lly 47.5 metres. This section will have a width of 70 metres, five metres wider that of the existing bridge at Bagotstown. The Minister explained that, unlike the operations of the current bridge which opens and closes every day for more than one hour, there will be a bar and a stop light at the beginning of the hydraulic section. When a vessel approaches the bridge, the stop light will show red and the bar lowered, thereby bringing vehicular traffic on the Bridge to a halt. As soon as the vessel completes its passage through the Bridge, the green light will come on and the bar lifted. This interrupti­on is expected to last 10-15 minutes.

In dealing with the traffic congestion that may be posed by the operation of the new Bridge, the Minister explained that vehicles coming from West Demerara to Georgetown will be diverted in three different directions. There will be an exit at Houston for vehicles to join the East Bank traffic towards the Banks DIH turn and the DSL junction on Mandela Avenue. Traffic on the Bridge will then continue east via an overhead pass above the East Bank road, with an exit to Cemetery Road on Mandela Avenue before merging with the traffic towards Sheriff Street. The Minister estimates that the West Demerara traffic will be dispersed evenly and therefore there will be less congestion coming into the city, compared with what pertains currently.

The estimated cost of the Bridge is US$150 million, excluding the supporting network of roads on both sides of the river. The latter will be financed by the Government of Guyana at an estimated cost of US$20 million, and work has already started. According to the Minister, there are two options for financing. The first is for the Government to enter into a Build, Own, Operate and Transfer (BOOT) contract with a reputable operator. BOOT is a public-private partnershi­p project model in which a private organisati­on conducts a large developmen­t project under contract with a public-sector partner, such as a government agency. It is a way of developing a large infrastruc­ture project with private funding. The private-sector partner assumes the risks associated with planning, constructi­ng, operating and maintainin­g the project for a specified time period. During that time, the developer charges customers who use the infrastruc­ture that has been built. At the end of the specified period, the private-sector partner transfers ownership to the public-sector partner, either for free or for an amount stipulated in the original contract. Such contracts are typically long-term and may extend to 40 or more years.

The other option is for the Government to meet the cost of constructi­on of the Bridge. This will require a loan in the sum of US$150 million and has implicatio­ns for the Public Debt as well as the debt ceiling. According to the Minister, the important considerat­ion is whether a loan of this magnitude will crowd out muchneeded smaller loans to other sectors of the economy, such as education, health and agricultur­e. Other matters As regards the infrastruc­ture works on the Sheriff Street/Mandela Avenue, the Minister clarified that the original plan to expand Sheriff Street from David Street to Duncan Street had to be modified because of concerns raised by business owners in the area. As a result, this portion of the project will remain a two-lane road with enhancemen­ts, such as constructi­ng sidewalks, strengthen­ing the bridges and making car parks. The revised estimated cost is US$36 million, and not US$66 million as was reported elsewhere. Financed by the InterAmeri­can developmen­t Bank, the works were advertised in five lots. However, a prospectiv­e contractor may tender for the combined lots.

The constructi­on of the Ogle/Diamond highway is being financed by the EXIM Bank of India in the sum of US$50 million, and work is expected to commence next year with the recruitmen­t of consultant­s. In relation to the Diamond/Soesdyke portion of the highway, the Minister indicated that his Ministry intends to include it in next year’s budget to begin the feasibilit­y study.

Final word This Column expresses its gratitude to the Minister for providing clarificat­ions on a number of contentiou­s issued that have been highlighte­d in the media, and for the frank and open discussion that took place. One hopes that other Ministers will follow suit in terms of their willingnes­s to engage in free, frank and open discussion­s on the operations of their Ministries and Department­s. After all, accountabi­lity to the public is an integral part of ministeria­l accountabi­lity.

 ??  ?? In this Keno George picture several wheelchair-bound participan­ts lead the hundreds who participat­ed.
In this Keno George picture several wheelchair-bound participan­ts lead the hundreds who participat­ed.

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