Stabroek News

Relatives of dead Corentyne cyclist seek justice

- driver placed on station bail


The relatives of the Corentyne cyclist, who died on the spot after he was struck on the Number 71 Corentyne Public Road, two Sundays ago, are pleading with investigat­ors to ensure justice is served, after becoming aware that the driver of the car was recently released on station bail.

Vedenand Hardeo Rupa, also known as “Davo” or “Suga”, 53, former labourer at the Skeldon Estate and a mechanic of Lot 44, Number 69 Village, Corentyne was returning home from work on his bicycle around 7:00 pm two Sundays ago, when he was struck by motor car HC 6790, which was allegedly travelling at a fast rate heading to New Amsterdam from Corriverto­n.

According to informatio­n gathered, the cyclist was struck from the rear, following which he landed on the windscreen of the car and then fell on to the road. Hardeo was picked up and rushed to the Skeldon Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival.

However, a relative yesterday made contact with this newspaper and explained that the driver of the car, 25, who is from Tarlogie Village, Corentyne has since been released on station bail. According to the relative, she visited the station to speak with investigat­ors on Monday when she discovered that the hire car driver had also retrieved his vehicle from the Springland­s Police Station.

Relatives of the man are calling on the police to ensure that the driver is placed before the court at the earliest.

Meanwhile, when contacted by Stabroek News, Officer in Charge of Traffic, B Division, Denis Stephen said that the file is presently being compiled to be sent for advice.

Stephens could not remember the post-mortem results for the cyclist off hand, nor did he wish to disclose the amount of bail the driver had noted placed on. A source noted that Rupa had died as a result of a fractured spine and hemorrhagi­ng. At the scene of the accident on January 14, ranks were accused of delaying the process of administer­ing a breathalyz­er test to the driver of the car. Residents of the area had even blocked the road and demanded that the test be administer­ed at the scene. At the time of the accident, the driver, along with four passengers, one being an off-duty police officer were travelling in the hire car.

Last rites were performed on Rupa, a father of three, last Sunday at the cemetery at Number 74 Village, Corentyne.

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The hire car
 ??  ?? Vedenand Hardeo Rupa
Vedenand Hardeo Rupa

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