Stabroek News

Gov’t will uphold constituti­on on Chancellor, CJ appointmen­ts

- MotP says in reply to Bar Associatio­n


The Ministry of the Presidency (MotP) last night labelled as reckless a statement by the Guyana Bar Associatio­n (GBA) expressing concern that appointmen­ts of a Chancellor of the Judiciary and a Chief Justice (CJ) might be made by the government outside of the constituti­onal provisions. (See story on page 9.)

In a release issued close to midnight, Minister of State Joseph Harmon said that the “perplexing statement, made without any indication from the administra­tion of any intention to ever operate outside of the Constituti­on of Guyana, was … reckless”.

Harmon said that President David Granger said explicitly on February 14th that he would be guided by the provisions of the Constituti­on of Guyana on the way forward for the two positions following the rejection of his candidates by Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo.

“I have to be advised by my Minister of Legal Affairs and Attorney General. We cannot be without a Chancellor and a Chief Justice because right now two persons are acting and I had hoped that we could have moved forward by having a substantiv­e or a full time appointmen­t agreed, but this has not happened and the Constituti­on requires me to await the approval of the Leader of the Opposition and this hasn’t come so I will have to depend on legal advice and make sure that the Courts continue to function,” President Granger said, the release pointed out.

The constituti­on requires the agreement of the Opposition Leader before substantiv­e appointmen­ts can be made to the two positions.

The release said that Harmon, in an invited comment, last evening, said that he is concerned at the “dangerous path that the Associatio­n is treading with its insinuatio­ns and strong assertions, despite the public statements made by the Head of State with regard to upholding of the Constituti­on. He described as reckless the statement attributed to the Associatio­n, which states that the climate surroundin­g the appointmen­t of the two offices is `repugnant and shakes the public confidence in the legal system. It further unfairly undermines the dignity of the offices and office holders’”.

Harmon said that “This is a rash statement from a Bar Associatio­n… more importantl­y having regard for the recent actions of the administra­tion in ensuring that at all material times that the appointmen­ts to the Judiciary were made in good time and based on the advice of the Judicial Services Commission. The President has been at pains to respect the Constituti­on. Every action, which he takes is underpinne­d by the provisions of the Constituti­on and so it is quite surprising to me that the Bar Associatio­n having regard to what the President has actually said that he respects the Constituti­on and that he will act in accordance, that the Bar Associatio­n arrived at a conclusion that basically says that the current climate is repugnant and shakes the public confidence in the justice system. Never before in the history of this country have we had nearly all judicial appointmen­ts filled. We do not have positions now that

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