Stabroek News

Gov’t will uphold constituti­on on Chancellor, CJ appointmen­ts

- MotP says in reply to Bar Associatio­n


The Guyana Bar Associatio­n (GBA) yesterday warned against any unconstitu­tional appointmen­t of a Chancellor of the Judiciary and a Chief Justice (CJ) stating that it would have embarrassi­ng consequenc­es.

In a statement which appeared to underline its own concerns about the way in which the process is evolving, the Bar Council of the GBA called on the government and the opposition to “break the impasse and arrive at a consensual resolution”. The GBA statement comes in the wake of reports that the government may take extraordin­ary steps to make the appointmen­ts.

Earlier this month, Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo formally notified President David Granger that he did not agree with Granger’s nominees for the posts of Chancellor and CJ, Justices Kenneth Benjamin and Yonette CummingsEd­wards respective­ly.

This resulted in President Granger stating that he would seek legal advice on the way forward. However, the constituti­on is specific that the President requires the approval of the Opposition Leader before any substantiv­e appointmen­t can be made. The only other constituti­onal option available to the President is to make acting appointmen­ts When he was asked about acting appointmen­ts recently, President Granger said this was not desirable given that the practice had existed for a number of years.

“I would like to have a substantiv­e appointmen­t. It is a question of necessity. The courts cannot be paralysed by the behaviour of one person. After the first meeting, I waited nearly a month and I was, I would say, disappoint­ed with the final outcome but that is his constituti­onal decision,” the President said.

In its statement yesterday, the GBA noted that the appointmen­t of the Chancellor and CJ is governed by Article 127 of the Constituti­on as follows:

(1) The Chancellor and the Chief Justice shall each be appointed by the President, acting after obtaining the agreement of the Leader of the Opposition

(2) If the office of Chancellor or Chief Justice is vacant or if the person holding the office of Chancellor is performing the functions of the office of President or is for any other reason unable to perform the functions of his or her office, or if the person holding the office of Chief Justice is for any other reason unable to perform the functions of his or her office, then, until a person has been appointed to and has assumed the functions of such office or until the person holding such office has resumed those functions, as the case may be, those functions shall be performed by such other of the Judges as shall be appointed by the President after meaningful consultati­on with the Leader of the Opposition.”

The GBA said that Article 127(1) is clear in its meaning and effect. The agreement of the Leader of the Opposition must be given for a substantiv­e appointmen­t of the Chancellor and Chief Justice.

Article 127(2), it said, is invoked when the President and Opposition Leader cannot reach agreement under Article 127(1). An acting appointmen­t is made by the President after “meaningful consultati­on” with the Leader of the Opposition. This has been done and therefore Article 127(2) has been fulfilled and exhausted, the GBA noted. It added that it is only if any of the provisos in the said Article 127(2) occur can it be activated once again, failing which, the acting appointmen­ts continue until a substantiv­e appointmen­t can be made under Article 127(1).

The GBA stated: “Any action outside of the said Article 127 is unconstitu­tional, void, of no legal effect and would have embarrassi­ng consequenc­es.

“The current climate surroundin­g the offices of the Chancellor and Chief Justice is repugnant and shakes the public confidence in the legal system. It further unfairly undermines the dignity of the offices and office holders.

“In the circumstan­ces we urge the Parties to work to break the impasse and arrive at a consensual resolution, dischargin­g their duties to the nation and in keeping with the spirit and intent of Article 127 of the Constituti­on which was amended from its original form to foster collaborat­ion.”

President of the Caribbean Court of Justice Sir Dennis Byron has described Guyana’s failure to appoint substantiv­e office-holders for the country’s two top legal posts for over a decade as unacceptab­le and has warned that prolonged acting appointmen­ts pose a genuine “risk” to the promise to citizens of an independen­t and impartial judiciary.

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