Stabroek News

Cops to release man held for questionin­g over Belle West senior’s murder


The man held in connection with the murder of 68year-old Ursilla Padarat, who was discovered dead in her home last week with a wound to her neck, is expected to be released on station bail as the probe continues.

This is according to Divisional Commander (ag) Rishi Dass, who told Stabroek News yesterday that there is no evidence linking the man to the crime.

Dass said arrangemen­ts were being made yesterday afternoon to have the man released on station bail. He is expected to continue to assist the police with the investigat­ion.

Padarat, of Lot 556 Masjid Street, Belle West Housing Scheme, Canal Number Two Polder, was discovered dead in her home just around 7 am last Wednesday.

At the time, she was sitting on a chair in her home. The discovery was made by a man, who claimed that the woman cooked for him.

It is suspected that robbery might have been the motive for the crime. She may have had money in her possession as overseas relatives had sent her monetary gifts for her recent birthday.

The woman only celebrated her birthday a few days prior to her death and was reported to be in high spirits, telling relatives and friends what she would do for her next birthday.

Her daughter, Sharda Persaud, had told this newspaper that her mother had visited a niece at Diamond, East Bank Demerara two days prior to her death and wanted to stay over but decided against it since work on the septic tank at her house was supposed to start on the morning she was found.

That Monday night at 7.55, Sharda had said that her mother called a relative to find out the cost for materials needed for building the septic tank.

According to Sharda, Ursilla told the relative over the phone that the man responsibl­e for the work was seated next to her.

A nephew, who asked not to be named, said that his aunt had only last Monday received $123,000 from a grandson in New York and that it was missing along with her handbag.

Missing also were a purse, her phone and the pair of earrings she was believed to be wearing at the time she met her death. According to the nephew, relatives believe whoever was with her was invited into the house as she usually locked her gate. Neighbours said they didn’t hear any sounds coming from the house at any time during the night.

An autopsy revealed that Padarat died as a result of blunt trauma to her head and the wound to her neck.

 ??  ?? Ursilla Padarat
Ursilla Padarat

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